1984 adverts

Mentathlete - the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
This is a slightly abstract advert for the ZX Spectrum, which appeared on the back of a home computer course. It shows an all-metal dude, like the T-1000 in Terminator 2, reaching...

January 1984
Sord M5: At last, a home computer that improves with age
It's another advert for the Sord M5, known in the UK as the CGL M5, on account of its distributor. It ran a Zilog Z80A, along with the same video chip as the MSX standard, making...

January 1984
How to program your family with a VIC 20 computer
Despite the fact that the much-superior Commodore 64 had been around for a couple of years, the VIC-20 was still selling units, and would go on to sell about 2.5 million before be...

January 1984
As your experience grows, so can your Atari 600XL
The 600XL was one of two computers launched by Atari - the other being the 800XL - at the summer 1983 Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. It was available in the UK in quantit...

January 1984
ZX Interface 2 - the new ROM cartridge and joystick interface
The Interface 2 was an update to the existing Interface 1 (formerly known as the ZX Expansion Module), a device required in tandem with the concurrently-launched Microdrive, which ...

January 1984
Seiko: Where fools rush in - we made sure...
Perhaps more famous for its digital watches, Seiko had its own Business Computers line and launched this - the Series 8600 - in 1983. It ran on an 5MHz Intel 8086 CPU and came wi...

January 1984
BBC Micro: Not all computers stay at home
This was one of several similar adverts for the BBC Micro which ran for a few months. They all follow a pattern of showing various things that the BBC - aka Proton - was good at, ...

January 1984
Sig/Net 3: All the advantages of other dual 8 and 16 bit micros plus that vital bit more
Here's an advert for the third iteration of Chris Shelton's Sig/Net - the modular multi-user system which was launched in 1981. It also implies that dual-processor multi-user mic...

January 1984
Kaypro: Our Winchesters have been winning the West
Microcomputer adverts are never shy of going with the most obvious simile or metaphor, and this one certainly does that with the placement of an actual Winchester shotgun against ...

14th January 1984
This year will be as important to the computer industry as 1959 was to the motor industry
It's perhaps stretching it a bit to assert that the launch of another IBM clone, albeit one of the first "legitimate" clones, was as significant as the 1959 launch of Alec Issigon...

February 1984
Memotech MTX: Personal and Professional
The Memotech MTX500 had been launched during the previous summer at the Earls Court Computer Fair in June 1983. It was a little unusual in that it launched with a lot of expansi...

February 1984
Introducing the Atari XL Home Computers
Commodore had already run adverts for the VIC-20 with the celebrity endorsement of William Shatner and game-show host Henry Morgan in the US, and had used legendary 70s comedian R...

British Micro
February 1984
Grafpad - for as many uses as YOU can imagine!
British Micro was a company started by Manas Heghoyan, formerly of Hegotron Printed Circuit Boards Ltd and John Marshall, formerly of Nascom. It had been Heghoyan who bought out...

February 1984
They may be smiling now, but they are about to encounter... Psyclapse and Bandersnatch
Imagine had formed when programming wunderkind Eugene Evans and two other senior staff left well-known software house Bug-Byte, which had been famous for Commodore and Sinclair ga...

11th February 1984
Camputers: New 96 and Laureate
Published only a few months before the company went bust in the summer of 1984, this advert doesn't really say anything about why you would want to buy either of the machines - th...