Transam adverts

October 1978
Triton One-Board Computer
The Triton one-board computer started life jointly sponsored by Transam and Electronics Today International (ETI), as a sort of cross-marketing collaboration. Transam provided t...

September 1979
Transam: The Exciting New Triton Personal Computer
The Transam Triton was a British-built Intel 8080A-based kit computer that was first released in December 1978. Somewhat uniquely, it offered different levels of firmware with a...

October 1980
Tuscan from Transam - Take a step up to your next computer!
Another entry in the "who?" category is this advert for the "Tuscan", from little-known British computer company Transam. It was yet another Z80-based system with an S-100 bus, b...

February 1982
The model of good business: Tuscan - the all-British microcomputer
Perhaps the chosen name - Tuscan - in the context of "all British" was meant to be ironic, but anyway this machine, an update of the regular Tuscan which had been launched the yea...

July 1982
Over forty of the world's leading software houses have one thing in common - Transam Microsystems
It's another advert from Transam Microsystems Limited, showing a generic Transam box, that might be a Tuscan, in the "PET on steroids" style that Transam seemed to like, together ...

March 1983
Portable micros - taking the computer a step further
This is one of a few adverts that appeared around about the same time which could be read as something of a sad coda on the life of Transam Microsystems Limited. Transam had star...