SWTPC adverts

December 1976
SWTPC: Need hardcopy? How about pictures?
This is an early advert from SWTPC, the San Antonio, Texas, company that had been founded in 1967 out of the earlier Daniel E Meyer Company business that specialised in selling el...

January 1977
SWTPC 6800 - Complete with 2K of memory
This is a straightforward advert from SWTPC - South West Technical Products Corporation - which originally made its name as a supplier of electronics kits, for the company's Motoro...

November 1977
SWTPC announces first dual minifloppy kit under $1,000
South West Technical Products Corp was a company that started out producing project kits, but here is offering a complete Motorola 6800-based system with 4K memory and floppy disk...

January 1978
Your computer system needn't cost a fortune - SWTPC 6800
South Western Technical Products Corporation started out as a company producing kits of the projects often printed in electronics magazines of the late 60s and 70s, before branchi...

August 1978
SWTPC: System B $4,495.00
It's another entry in that curious sideline of the early microcomputer industry: computers as furniture. On offer is Southwest Technical Products' System B - a CT-64 terminal, du...