Nascom/Lucas adverts

June 1978
Nascom 1 Microprocessor Z80 kit
Nascom, the computer company which was eventually acquired by car-parts maker Lucas was, for a while, the UK's biggest supplier of computer kits. It was established by Lynx Elec...

January 1980
Buy Nascom 2 Now and get a free 16K RAM board
The Nascom 2 was one of a range of kits produced by UK computer manufacturer Nascom, a company founded by John Marshall and Kerr Borland. The previous model, the Nascom 1, had b...

January 1980
Nascom Imp plain paper printer - boxed and built for only £325
1980 was perhaps the year of the rise of the printer, but at the time these were still very much in the realms of "expensive" - much like floppy disk drives before them, where the ...

February 1982
Nascom 3 - from Lucas Logic
Perhaps implausibly from the company better known for car parts - belts, bulbs and oil filters and so on - comes the Nascom 3, courtesy of Lucas Logic. Lucas had bought Nascom ...

December 1982
Nascom means performance. Nascom means solutions
Nascom - now owned by car-parts-to-semiconductors industrial conglomerate Lucas Industries, or at least its Lucas Logic division - is still trundling on with its re-packaged Nasco...