Sharp adverts

October 1980
The Sharp MZ-80 Computer System - Now Available On Earth
This advert from Sharp continues the company's long-running theme which implies some sort of extra-terrestrial origin for its computer. This particular micro, which had actually...

February 1982
First time on Earth - Sharp MZ-80B
Perhaps unique in laying claim to some sort of extra-terrestrial origin, comes this advert for the Sharp MZ-80B. The "large" integrated screen had 320x300 pixel resolution and i...

May 1982
Sharp: The Amazing Pocket Computer in Living Color
Sharp's PC-1500 was - like Epson's HX-20 and Tandy/Radio Shack's Micro-Executive Workstation - one of several LCD-based hand-held computers around at the time, although Sharp's mo...

September 1984
Don't worry. He's on your side
Sharp's MZ-700 was essentially a colour version of the venerable MZ-80K, which had been around since 1979. It was also the first Sharp micro to be launched without a built-in moni...

August 1986
The business computer that's a real mover
Here's another celebrity advertising endorsement for a microcomputer, this time featuring World Cup-winning footballer Bobby Charlton, where it's tempting to think that the legend...