Dynabyte Advert - December 1978
From Byte - The Small Systems Journal
Dynabyte computers are all business inside and out
This is a nice advert for Dynabyte showing various models in its DB series of microcomputers.
The middle box is the company's DB 8/1 microcomputer - a 4MHz Z80 CPU with one parallel and two serial ports, 4K ROM and up to 32K RAM.
Mike Watts, president of Dynabyte, with the company's new Shugart floppy system at the 2nd West Coast Computer Faire in San Jose. From Kilobaud Magazine, June 1978Surrounding it are two different floppy-disk units. The top one - DB 8/2 - contained two Shugart 5¼" floppies drives which supported the dual-sided dual-density (DSDD) format giving 1.2MB of storage.
The bottom unit - the DB 8/4 - contained two older 8" floppies, for 2MB storage.
The 5¼" 'minifloppy' unit - Shugart's trademarked name for the reltively new smaller floppy disk format - was possibly launched at the Second West Coast Computer Faire, held at San Jose in March 1978.
The advert also - unusually - acknowledges that there was actually a computer market outside the US, with its mention of an option for "European [electrical] power".
Date created: 19 December 2023
Last updated: 16 October 2024
Text and otherwise-uncredited photos © nosher.net 2025. Dollar/GBP conversions, where used, assume $1.50 to £1. "Now" prices are calculated dynamically using average RPI per year.