TeleVideo Advert - May 1982
From Personal Computing
To become the leader in terminals, Televideo had to give you more
TeleVideo was one of several companies - like Intertec - that had started out as terminal manufacturers, in its case in 1975.
However unlike most other manufacturers from the 1970s, it actually managed to survive right up until 2011, having sold millions of terminals[1].
As well as its core terminals business, it also released a range of CP/M micros - including the TS 802 of the advert - which were, unsurprisingly, based closely on the company's terminals, with a single-board computer and an optional Winchester hard disk crammed in[2].
The machines, which were primarily targetted as "single-user, stand-alone" machines could nevertheless also be connected up to the company's TS 806 or TS 816 "server", creating a multi-user system with up to 16 terminals on it.
The TS 802 retailed for $3,495, which is around £10,700 in 2025 money, with the TS 802H Winchester version on sale for $6,995 - that's a hefty £21,500 now.
Date created: 05 March 2024
Text and otherwise-uncredited photos © 2025. Dollar/GBP conversions, where used, assume $1.50 to £1. "Now" prices are calculated dynamically using average RPI per year.