CAL Advert - November 1982
From Personal Computer World
Britain can still find an extra byte
Here's an advert from the curiously-named Computer Ancilliaries Limited, for two of its machines - the British-built Caltext Word Processor and the Caltext Micro.
The former was another entrant in a popular sideline in the early microcomputer industry: the dedicated word processor. Prices of these machines - which were very often standard micros bundled with software and a printer - often reflected the belief that one of these could replace a number of real typists.
As such, it retailed for "just over £3,000", or about £13,800 in 2025 money. It does however seem to come with a keyboard with an unfeasibly large number of function keys on it.
The second machine is a generic CP/M micro - the Caltext Micro - a Z80 machine but with communications built in and also a Winchester option, in either 5MB, 10MB or 15MB.
This retailed from £1,700 - about £7,850 in 2025.
Date created: 26 January 2024
Last updated: 11 December 2024
Text and otherwise-uncredited photos © 2025. Dollar/GBP conversions, where used, assume $1.50 to £1. "Now" prices are calculated dynamically using average RPI per year.