LSI Advert - February 1982
From Personal Computer World

The if 800 - Colour in your computing
The awkwardly-named if 800 from LSI was something of a departure from the company's usual M models - with the System M-Three being around at about the same time - not least because it featured a 80 cps dot-matrix printer built in, and came with a colour display.
Otherwise, it was fairly standard, being based upon the Zilog Z80A, with 64-256K bank-switched RAM and CP/M as its operating system. The machines were built by LSI's manufacturing arm, CPU Computers[1].
There's not much information about the company itself, although it was around until at least 1985 when it released its Octopus Computer system.
Known internally by its code name of the System M-Five, this was a dual-CPU highly-expandable transportable computer which was capable of supporting up to six additional terminal users[2].
Date created: 11 September 2024
Last updated: 11 December 2024
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