Texas Instruments adverts

Texas Instruments
December 1976
Now from Texas Instruments - three machines in one
Texas Instruments claimed in a 1982 advert that it was the company that invented the microprocessor and the microcomputer. Exactly who invented the microprocessor is still contr...

Texas Instruments
July 1982
You can't get a home computer from Texas Instruments under 16K RAM
Here is an advert from the company that did quite a bit to shake up the 1970s calculator market, and in doing so caused Commodore to buy MOS Technology and with it the 6502, which...

Texas Instruments
December 1982
TI's Home Computer. Unbeatable value. Unrivalled software.
The original TI99/4 had been released back in 1979 and was the first ever 16-bit home computer, running TI's own TMS 9900 CPU. An updated version was released a couple of years l...

Texas Instruments
23rd June 1983
The new TI Professional Computer. If you want the business edge, it's the answer
Just three months before Texas Instruments announced that due to poor sales of its TI99/4A home micro it was exiting the consumer and home-computer business, comes this advert for...

Texas Instruments
October 1983
The unbeatable TI home computer. It's all the computers your family will ever need
TI's pushing of Commodore out of the calculator market in the 1970s had come back to haunt it in 1983 - the year of this advert. When TI, which had been manufacturing the calcul...