A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Nosher's landlords Geoff and Brenda had been toiling for years making concrete garden ornaments for supply to several local garden centres and suchlike. Despite this particularly hard way of life taking up most of their waking hours for around 30 years, they took not one single photograph of it, so the only ones in existence are the few featured here. The business has now been sold following their retirement, and the sheds and ornaments have now all gone. There are also some photos from the greater environs of Diss and Billingford, a trip to Geoff's friend's machine sheds in Palgrave, and a trip to meet Sis at the Old Man's place in Macclesfield.

next album: Blackshore Quay in Black and White, Southwold and Sizewell, Suffolk - 16th September 1992
previous album: The Eye Show and a Trip to Halifax, Suffolk and South Yorkshire - 28th August 1992

Aphrodites in the shed, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Aphrodites in the shed

A concrete version of the Teracotta Army, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A concrete version of the Teracotta Army

Some lions in the undergrowth, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Some lions in the undergrowth

Brenda pauses leaning on a sack barrow, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Brenda pauses leaning on a sack barrow

Brenda wheels some ornaments out of the shed, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Brenda wheels some ornaments out of the shed

A rusting scarifier or something, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A rusting scarifier or something

An old watering can looks like it has barnacles, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

An old watering can looks like it has barnacles

A shed full of machine randomness, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A shed full of machine randomness

A small stationery engine is prepped with a gas bottle, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A small stationery engine is prepped with a gas bottle

Geoff and his chum talk about machines, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Geoff and his chum talk about machines

An old car and tractor in a shed, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

An old car and tractor in a shed

More machinery, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

More machinery

A proud machine collector, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A proud machine collector

'Mad' Sue mows her lawn, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

'Mad' Sue mows her lawn

Sue and a lawnmower, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Sue and a lawnmower

A Nosher-painted slate for The Stables - the Stuston pad, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A Nosher-painted slate for The Stables - the Stuston pad

Nosher's beloved Mark 1 Astra, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Nosher's beloved Mark 1 Astra

Nosher's Astra by the garage, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Nosher's Astra by the garage

Bernie's keyboard is stacked on the piano, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Bernie's keyboard is stacked on the piano

A bee in a flower, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A bee in a flower

Brenda in the Wilbye netball team (bottom right), A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Brenda in the Wilbye netball team (bottom right)

Brenda's school photo, 1950s, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Brenda's school photo, 1950s

The Stuston lightning tree, on the S bends, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

The Stuston lightning tree, on the S bends

The lightning tree, Stuston, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

The lightning tree, Stuston

Billingford windmill and the heath, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Billingford windmill and the heath

Billingford Windmill, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Billingford Windmill

Billingford windmill again, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Billingford windmill again

A fluffy cloud, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A fluffy cloud

The watermeadows, Billingford bridge, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

The watermeadows, Billingford bridge

Norfolk House Yard, Diss, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Norfolk House Yard, Diss

St. Mary's Church, Diss, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

St. Mary's Church, Diss

Diss Publishing and Frameworks, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Diss Publishing and Frameworks

Winnie the tractor in the garage, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Winnie the tractor in the garage

Geoff pokes around with Winnie, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Geoff pokes around with Winnie

Geoff looks up, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Geoff looks up

A bit later in the year, it's bonfire night, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A bit later in the year, it's bonfire night

A raging bonfire, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

A raging bonfire

Bernie finds something amusing, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Bernie finds something amusing

Figures in the dark, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Figures in the dark

Watching the bonfire, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Watching the bonfire

Sis in the Old Man's lounge, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Sis in the Old Man's lounge

The Old Man has a smoke, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

The Old Man has a smoke

Sis again, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

Sis again

The Old Man finds something amusing, A Black and White Life in Concrete, Stuston, Suffolk - 3rd September 1992

The Old Man finds something amusing

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Aphrodites in the shed

Aphrodites in the shed

A concrete version of the Teracotta Army

Some lions in the undergrowth

Brenda pauses leaning on a sack barrow

Brenda wheels some ornaments out of the shed

A rusting scarifier or something

An old watering can looks like it has barnacles

A shed full of machine randomness

A small stationery engine is prepped with a gas bottle

Geoff and his chum talk about machines

An old car and tractor in a shed

More machinery

A proud machine collector

'Mad' Sue mows her lawn

Sue and a lawnmower

A Nosher-painted slate for The Stables - the Stuston pad

Nosher's beloved Mark 1 Astra

Nosher's Astra by the garage

Bernie's keyboard is stacked on the piano

A bee in a flower

Brenda in the Wilbye netball team (bottom right)

Brenda's school photo, 1950s

The Stuston lightning tree, on the S bends

The lightning tree, Stuston

Billingford windmill and the heath

Billingford Windmill

Billingford windmill again

A fluffy cloud

The watermeadows, Billingford bridge

Norfolk House Yard, Diss

St. Mary's Church, Diss

Diss Publishing and Frameworks

Winnie the tractor in the garage

Geoff pokes around with Winnie

Geoff looks up

A bit later in the year, it's bonfire night

A raging bonfire

Bernie finds something amusing

Figures in the dark

Watching the bonfire

Sis in the Old Man's lounge

The Old Man has a smoke

Sis again

The Old Man finds something amusing