Tales from Halton
Stories and anecdotes from the 69th's time at RAF Halton, between 1951 and 1954, from the Halton Magazine February 1952
From Burma to Halton, by A/A Bahan
I cannot dismiss 22nd August 1951 from my memory as it was the date on which we left Burma to undergo our apprenticeship at Halton. The following afternoon, Rangoon Airport was crowded with our friends and relations. Across the airfield stood the BOAC aircraft waiting to start her flight. Minute by minute the crowd grew thicker until there were no empty places and we were very busy saying goodbye to everyone.
We had mixed feelings, happiness at having the chance to visit Britain whilst undergoing training, sorrow at the separation from our friends for three long years. In front of the airport we had our photograph taken with The Chief of Staff of the Burmese Air Force along with his wife and some officers. We could see the crowd waving goodbye and good luck as we boarded the plane. Gently the engines started and within a few seconds the plane slowly left the airport. Across the runway we again saw the crowd waving their hands and gazing towards us with eagerness. Quickly the runway dropped behind us and we pointed towards the clouds.
We flew at 230mph at 1700ft altitude and the 5 hour flight to Calcutta was shown on a chart. At four-o-clock we had our tea on the plane. We stopped at Calcutta for refuelling and then flew on to Karachi. This flight took 6 hours and we stopped for 2 hours at Karachi. Next we reached Basrah and then Rome where we had our tea whilst the plane was refuelled. By then we were over 6000 miles away from our country and the local time was five and a half hours different. From Rome we made a non-stop flight to England.
We reached London Airport safe and sound at eight-o-clock in the evening. The warm and moderate weather of Britain was very pleasant to us after the extreme cold. Before coming to Halton we spent three happy days in London looking round the museums and exhibitions. We were fortunate to arrive during the Festival of Britain and we enjoyed going to the Pleasure Gardens and later on the South Bank Exhibition. The memory of watching The Skylon' springs to my mind and still makes me happy. On the 26 August 1951, we took a trip to Halton. We were well aquainted with it through the Halton magazine which we had read in Burma.
Now we have all reached and settled down in our respective Wings and I live in Block 14, "B" Squadron, No 1 Wing undergoing the Basic Fitter Course in workshops. Halton is set in beautiful countryside with the background scenery of the Chiltern Hills. We can see that Halton is producing not only skilled men but fine sportsmen. The Halton Society too is greatly in evidence with its many clubs. I am very happy here, and we are all hoping to enjoy our stay.
- RAF Halton and the Brats
- The Aircraft Apprentices Scheme
- Clubs, Societies and Sports at Halton
- RAF Halton's goats
- Tributes to Halton and the Brats
- The 69th and the Apprentices Network, 1951
- The Presentation of the Queen's Colour, 1952
- Summer Camp, RAF Formby, 1953
- The 69th and the Queen's Coronation, 1953
- The 69th's Graduation Review, 1954
- The Senior Entry - a graduate's letter, 1954
- A full list of 69th Graduates
- Halton days: stories from the 69th
- The 69th's Burmese Brats
- A 69th Pen Portrait
- The 69th's commemorative window
- 69th Entry Reunions