A Barbeque, Grimspound and Pizza, Dartmoor and Exeter, Devon - 15th April 2017

Sis and Matt host a barbeque in aid of Mother's imminent 70th birthday. The day after, we go for a short walk around Grimspound iron-age settlement on Dartmoor, after which we head back home via a stop in Exeter City Centre for pizza.

next album: A Trip to Reykjavik, Iceland - 20th April 2017
previous album: Grandma J's and a Day on the Beach, Spreyton and Exmouth, Devon - 13th April 2017

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Time for breakfast at Grandma J's

Time for breakfast at Grandma J's

Mother feeds her pet pheasants

A rusty barbeque at Spreyton Community Centre

The boys are on the swing again

Harry in a springy butterfly

Fred flings himself around

An old-school Devon County Council logo

Isobel and the boys make cakes

Harry works on the eggs

The end result - random shaped but pretty good

Fred's made a card

The view from Mother's dining room

Matt loads up the barbeque

Isobel watches as stuff is set on fire

The view from the lower garden

Lichen on a twig is like small trees

An interesting variety of lichen

More lichen on a tree

Providence chapel

Isobel watches the fire

Fred's found a Nerf gun

Matt sticks a massive lump of lamb on the fire

Sis at the Aga

Mother and Isobel

Matt pokes the fire

Isobel wheels out the birthday cakes

Mother's got rats, thanks to all the bird food

A rat lurks under a bush

Isobel ties a boot lace

Cars parked at Grimspound

Fred messes around in an iron-age water course

Mother leads the way

Mother climbs up

Mother sits down for a rest

The top of Hookney Tor

Epic views over Dartmoor

Another Dartmoor view

Fred on Hookney Tor

Fred stands at the top of the tor

Grimspound's circular wall

Fred looks out

The gang are reunited

A relic of the now-defunct BHS in Exeter

Inside an empty BHS in Exeter

Exeter Cathedral

Prezzo - in the former Turk's Head pub

Inside Prezzo Exeter

One of Prezzo's impressive upstairs rooms

Fred's got pizza

Harry's eaten pasta

Wooden panelling from the old Turk's Head pub

A bit of stained glass

We exit Prezzo pizzeria

Exeter's high street

A view down Fore Street in Exeter

Marilyn Monroe on a tattoo-shop roller blind