Harry points at real dinosaur bones
Fred, who'd not long before been on a school trip to it, makes a Sunday suggestion for a return day out to West Stow museum/Anglo-Saxon village. And so it was.
next album: Paul's Birthday and other March Miscellany - 6th March 2017
previous album: Little Venice and Diss Park, West London and Norfolk - 17th February 2017
Harry points at real dinosaur bones
The gang roams around one of the museums
The boys run around a smoking house
Inside the smoky house, someone is being all Saxon
A smoky room - quite nice once you get used to it
One of the reconstructed buildings
A reconstructed hall
A Saxon loom
Harry is a blur of action on a lathe
Isobel in the Great Hall
Harry's still on the lathe
Outside, we watch an archery lesson
The boys pester for snacks
Fred and Harry on a log
Harry and Isobel
Wooden shingles on a roof
Some children run around pretending to be Saxon
Fred has another go at archery
Fred takes aim
The arrows are retrieved
An amusing scarecrow with a Saxon helmet
Bright orange logs
Fred with a Sutton-Hoo-esque helmet on
Harry in a museum
Nosher tries the helmet on
The boys look at film props
Fred's got a big foot
A carved boar and some runes
The boys run off to the playground
Fred clings to a climbing wall
Harry in a springy Land Rover
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Harry points at real dinosaur bones
The gang roams around one of the museums
The boys run around a smoking house
Inside the smoky house, someone is being all Saxon
A smoky room - quite nice once you get used to it
One of the reconstructed buildings
A reconstructed hall
A Saxon loom
Harry is a blur of action on a lathe
Isobel in the Great Hall
Harry's still on the lathe
Outside, we watch an archery lesson
The boys pester for snacks
Fred and Harry on a log
Harry and Isobel
Wooden shingles on a roof
Some children run around pretending to be Saxon
Fred has another go at archery
Fred takes aim
The arrows are retrieved
An amusing scarecrow with a Saxon helmet
Bright orange logs
Fred with a Sutton-Hoo-esque helmet on
Harry in a museum
Nosher tries the helmet on
The boys look at film props
Fred's got a big foot
A carved boar and some runes
The boys run off to the playground
Fred clings to a climbing wall
Harry in a springy Land Rover