A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The Gislingham Silver Band is playing one of its regular gigs at the Open Gardens weekend in Walsham le Willows, and the weather plays its part too by not raining and being warm. Before that, it's time for our Summer party, with the new patio roof cover being finished just in time. It's just as well as the weather's not brilliant, with heavy rain earlier in the day. Luckily that stops, but it remains fairly cold all night. There is however the entertainment provided by Fred's rite of passage in finding an abandoned road cone and sticking it on his head, whilst drinking home-made cider.

next album: The Death of the Feather Factory, Diss, Norfolk - 30th August 2024
previous album: A Trip to Ickworth House with Sis, Horringer - 19th August 2024

Andrew, Clive and Paul in front of the new roof, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Andrew, Clive and Paul in front of the new roof

Andrew waves a pork pie around, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Andrew waves a pork pie around

Chatting in the dining room, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Chatting in the dining room

Food's out on the table, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Food's out on the table

Doug plays a bit of bass guitar, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Doug plays a bit of bass guitar

Marc, Phil and Paul, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Marc, Phil and Paul

Fred's got a road cone on his head, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Fred's got a road cone on his head

Marc and Wavy chat by the fire pit, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Marc and Wavy chat by the fire pit

Fred wanders around with the cone hat, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Fred wanders around with the cone hat

The road to Hunston in Walsham le Willows, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The road to Hunston in Walsham le Willows

There's an amazing crochet flower wall, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

There's an amazing crochet flower wall

Hundreds of crochet flowers on the church wall, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Hundreds of crochet flowers on the church wall

The band sets up, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The band sets up

Mark and Adrian chat, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Mark and Adrian chat

A view from the back, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

A view from the back

Adrian gets us ready to go, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Adrian gets us ready to go

Nosher, Fred and Kerry, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Nosher, Fred and Kerry

The band kicks off, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The band kicks off

Former GSB player Ron, with Sheila, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Former GSB player Ron, with Sheila

The GSB in action, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The GSB in action

Mark and Terry - the rhythm section, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Mark and Terry - the rhythm section

We have a break for cakes and tea, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

We have a break for cakes and tea

Terry and his missus, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Terry and his missus

Various stalls near the village hall, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Various stalls near the village hall

People consider next year's flower bulbs, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

People consider next year's flower bulbs

It's crowded in the village hall, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

It's crowded in the village hall

Nice new thatching on a house on the High Street, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Nice new thatching on a house on the High Street

Graham fires up the bagpipes during our interval, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Graham fires up the bagpipes during our interval

Alan is the last man standing, or at least sitting, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

Alan is the last man standing, or at least sitting

The increasingly-derelict Six Bells, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

The increasingly-derelict Six Bells

A lovely old Jaguar trundles up the street, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

A lovely old Jaguar trundles up the street

There's some sort of Ed Sheeran eagle-owl in Eye, A Summer Party, and the GSB at Walsham le Willows, Suffolk - 26th August 2024

There's some sort of Ed Sheeran eagle-owl in Eye

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Andrew, Clive and Paul in front of the new roof

Andrew, Clive and Paul in front of the new roof

Andrew waves a pork pie around

Chatting in the dining room

Food's out on the table

Doug plays a bit of bass guitar

Marc, Phil and Paul

Fred's got a road cone on his head

Marc and Wavy chat by the fire pit

Fred wanders around with the cone hat

The road to Hunston in Walsham le Willows

There's an amazing crochet flower wall

Hundreds of crochet flowers on the church wall

The band sets up

Mark and Adrian chat

A view from the back

Adrian gets us ready to go

Nosher, Fred and Kerry

The band kicks off

Former GSB player Ron, with Sheila

The GSB in action

Mark and Terry - the rhythm section

We have a break for cakes and tea

Terry and his missus

Various stalls near the village hall

People consider next year's flower bulbs

It's crowded in the village hall

Nice new thatching on a house on the High Street

Graham fires up the bagpipes during our interval

Alan is the last man standing, or at least sitting

The increasingly-derelict Six Bells

A lovely old Jaguar trundles up the street

There's some sort of Ed Sheeran eagle-owl in Eye