Harry - Baby Gabey - considers 'breakferast'
On the way to Uncle James's 90th birthday do in Cheadle, we stop off for the night in Chesterfield, on the edge of the Peak District. This is mostly to allow for a nice, leisurely drive over the top on the Saturday, but also gives a chance to scratch the itch of curiosity: having driven through Chesterfield numerous times in the past, it was finally a chance to have a close-up look at the "church with the twisty spire" - St. Mary and All Saints, Chesterfield. On the downside, Chesterfield turns out to be Fascist Parking Warden central, as we get a ticket for being only around 15 minutes late, mostly because we decide to support the local tourist economy and do the tour of the church and tower. Hey ho.
next album: Uncle James's Ninetieth Birthday, Cheadle Hulme, Manchester - 20th April 2013
previous album: Margaret Thatcher's Funeral, St. Paul's, London - 17th April 2013
Harry - Baby Gabey - considers 'breakferast'
Harry plays with Lego in the hotel room
The boys bounce around in the Premier Inn room
Harry flakes out with Foo-foo
Harry flails around; Fred looks like mischief
Harry and Fred
Harry has a slide
The boys in the playground
A street in Chesterfield
Isobel outside Groove 'retro bar'
There's a comedy shark head stuck to a wall
Fred runs around the churchyard
Isobel and Harry roam around
Stained-glass window, dated 1950
Fred and Isobel light a votive candle
The nave of St. Mary and All Saints
More stained glass, dated 1984
The fount in the south transcept
Isobel gets close up with the church organ
The T. C. Lewis organ
A nice little Chesterfield Parish Church stool
The pipe box, including a 32' Sub Bourdon pipe
Fred pretends to be a star
Fred the star
A tour starts with a walk through the walls
Fred gets to ring a church bell
Bell ropes hang from the ceiling
Fred looks a little lost
A view of the church from under the tower
Our tour continues up to the belfry
The chaotic timber work inside the tower
A view over Chesterfield
A close-up of the twisty tower
A view of Chesterfield
Looking down on the churchyard
More Chesterfield and the roof of the nave
Looking further around
Mock Tudor building, and the car park we parked in
Chesterfield, looking towards Rotherham
A shop in Chesterfield, prosaicly called 'Shop'
An outdoor market
A portable stall tries to sell rubber roofing
More Chesterfield markets
A view of the spire, with the 2.7 metre offset
Seedy looking shop entreance
The Baslow Village Shop
Between Bakewell and Buxton, we stop for a picnic
Harry chomps on a pasty
Our picnic by the car park
A curious derelict building off the A6
Derelict concrete construction
Rubbish is strewn around inside
The derelict building and the A6
Green stains and decaying concrete
The A6 as it runs through the valley
A view of the Pennines
Derbyshire sheep on the Cat and Fiddle pass
The Cat and Fiddle pass, over the top
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Harry - Baby Gabey - considers 'breakferast'
Harry plays with Lego in the hotel room
The boys bounce around in the Premier Inn room
Harry flakes out with Foo-foo
Harry flails around; Fred looks like mischief
Harry and Fred
Harry has a slide
The boys in the playground
A street in Chesterfield
Isobel outside Groove 'retro bar'
There's a comedy shark head stuck to a wall
Fred runs around the churchyard
Isobel and Harry roam around
Stained-glass window, dated 1950
Fred and Isobel light a votive candle
The nave of St. Mary and All Saints
More stained glass, dated 1984
The fount in the south transcept
Isobel gets close up with the church organ
The T. C. Lewis organ
A nice little Chesterfield Parish Church stool
The pipe box, including a 32' Sub Bourdon pipe
Fred pretends to be a star
Fred the star
A tour starts with a walk through the walls
Fred gets to ring a church bell
Bell ropes hang from the ceiling
Fred looks a little lost
A view of the church from under the tower
Our tour continues up to the belfry
The chaotic timber work inside the tower
A view over Chesterfield
A close-up of the twisty tower
A view of Chesterfield
Looking down on the churchyard
More Chesterfield and the roof of the nave
Looking further around
Mock Tudor building, and the car park we parked in
Chesterfield, looking towards Rotherham
A shop in Chesterfield, prosaicly called 'Shop'
An outdoor market
A portable stall tries to sell rubber roofing
More Chesterfield markets
A view of the spire, with the 2.7 metre offset
Seedy looking shop entreance
The Baslow Village Shop
Between Bakewell and Buxton, we stop for a picnic
Harry chomps on a pasty
Our picnic by the car park
A curious derelict building off the A6
Derelict concrete construction
Rubbish is strewn around inside
The derelict building and the A6
Green stains and decaying concrete
The A6 as it runs through the valley
A view of the Pennines
Derbyshire sheep on the Cat and Fiddle pass
The Cat and Fiddle pass, over the top