Graffiti near Bethnal Green

Graffiti near Bethnal Green

Graffiti on a corrugated shed

More graffiti tags

A wall of graffiti

Colourful and plain graffiti

Silver tags near Brick Lane

Silver tag by CBM and Ikon

Plain white tags on brick pillars

'Wine Skee' graffiti

Protestors start running up Old Broad Street

Police horses follow the protestors up the road

Protestors on Old Broad Street

Massed police on London Wall

Massed lines of police cordon off the street

Station Cat waits for a train on platform 2

An empty Mark 3 carriage

A random mixture of late-season chopped tomatoes

Green tomatoes look a bit like chillis

A small green tomato on a stick

Vintage computers

A working Commodore PET

Isobel gets her photo taken for a conference bio

Fred points at stuff

Boris and Millie mess around

Boris sniffs Fred's stick