Palgrave Players Busking and the GSB at Pulham Market, Norfolk - 14th September 2024

We down in Diss as the Palgrave Players are doing a but of a busk by the Mere to promote their upcoming production, and Isobel's there with her violin. Just before that though - and looking like there might be some sort of clash - a pro-Palestine demonstration is gathering, however it heads off up through the town before there has to be some sort of face-off. Then in the afternoon, the Gislingham Silver Band is playing at the Pulham Market carnival, on a lovely late-summer day on the green.

next album: A Major Fire at Suffolk Highways, Brome, Suffolk - 15th September 2024
previous album: A Quiz, the BSCC at Scole and Eye Heritage Day - 8th September 2024

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A pro-Palestine demo gathers by the Mere in Diss

A pro-Palestine demo gathers by the Mere in Diss

The demo heads off into town

A protest moves up Mere Street

The Palestine protestors are in the Market Square

The Palgrave Players assemble at Mere's Mouth

Palgrave Players perform a Celtic Nights number

Isobel gets the fiddle out

Stalls on Pulham Market green

More stalls at the Pulham Market carnival

Sarah and Megan afre doing raffle tickets

An American flag flaps around

Archie and Anna are doing a shuffleboard

Francis talks to Sarah

Thew band sets up on the green

A tiny pony does the rounds

The band under a very flimsy gazebo

A book stall in front of the Crown pub

Mark sets the drum kit up

Julian trudges around with his giant instrument

The band is ready to play

On the green near the Falcon pub

A giant octopus is hauled around

A Wilys jeep outside the village hall

There's a float with mermaids on it

Neptune chats to a bystander

A massive tricycle motorbike heads off

Fred looks for fizzy water in Sam's Local Shopper

The almost-fly-away gazebo on the green

The octopus and the Pulham Crown

Louis de Bernières presents the prizes

A convincing Roy Scheider wins the adult prize

Pulham Primary school wins the children's prize

TribeAll Fitness wins a walking prize

Some of the band get a Harris's hog roast

Fred's on the shuffleboard again

The band hangs around during the interval

TribeAll Fitness do a demonstration

Francis wanders past the mayor of Amity

Some of the band hide out in the village hall

A vacant shop next to Sam's Local Shopper

Ron - former flugel player - watches the band

Isobel helps sort out the raffle

The remains of the Jaws float