A broad avenue stretches up from the house

A broad avenue stretches up from the house

Nice autumn trees

The gang wanders off to the café and shops

The Sandringham shop is an NT shop on steroids

Fred roams about

The gang come out from the café

A horse buys some tickets

The boys eat a café sandwich each

The groundsman and the horse have a chat

Harry and Fred say hi to the horse

Isobel wanders off

The boys in the forest

Brown autumn bracken

Fred and Harry splash about in puddles

More golden leaves

Harry hugs a tree

The boys discover that the bark is furry

A carpet of golden leaves

Off into the woods

Nice autumn trees

A carpet of beach leaves

Harry wanders about

Fred points something out

There's a baby squirrel in the crook of a branch

A fallen tree

Harry takes a tree photo

A squirrel collects leaves

The squirrel legs it with its cache of leaves

Harry roams around

Sunlight through the trees

The boys in the pine forest

Fred and Isobel

Fred has got a branch for antlers

Harry with a camera

The boys play with their Hunstanton Lego

It's time for tea

The boys' bedroom

Fred plays with Lego and watches telly

We wander off to breakfast

Our apartment block

Ordering breakfast

The Swan's bar

Harry comes back from the bogs

Down the road from the hotel, there's a tank

A tank memorial to the Desert Rats

A concrete road to somewhere

Back at home, Harry says hi to Boris