Christmas in Blackrock and St. Stephen's in Ballybrack, Dublin, Ireland - 25th December 2015

Christmas Day rolls around, in which Evelyn and Noddy attempt to do the annual Christmas Day swim in Dublin Bay, but the tide is extra-high and the seas are far too rough. Elsewhere in the kitchen, the lack of plates, knives, pans and a fully-functional cooker add to the fun of doing Christmas dinner, but it all works out in the end. Then it's Boxing Day, more commonly known as St. Stephen's Day in Ireland, and it's round to Wayne and Caro's for an evening nosh-up. Wayne's even scored some actual gold leaf which, whilst originally intended for dessert decoration, ends up as a bit of party "amuse bouche".

next album: Blackrock North and the Ferry Home, County Louth and the Irish Sea - 27th December 2015
previous album: Christmas Eve in Dublin and Blackrock, Ireland - 24th December 2015

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Jamie constructs his prawn-based starter

Jamie constructs his prawn-based starter

Isobel does the classic sprouts Christmas job

Annalua and Harry sit at their own special table

Harry almost disappears amongst some checked material

Da Wheeze ad Evelyn look like they've had an argument

Fred models a cracker moustache

Fred leaps off his bed

The yellow streetlight picks out the window frame

Wayne and Caro's table is loaded

Evelyn with Nico

Dinner conversation

Wayne does his thing in the kitchen

The children are all on a naughty step

Caro gets some Macarons out

Noddy in candle light

Wayne sticks some gold leaf on his teeth

Isobel has golden lips

It's Caro's turn to do gold teeth

Nosher gets the golden lip treatment

Noddy has gold bits in his beard

A close-up of Wayne

The conversation continues

Fred and Harry start on present opening

Fred gets a guitar

Fred shows off his new guitar

Isobel helps Harry with some Playmobil

Harry rips open some Transformers

Fred does some Lego Technic

Isobel has a sit down

More present-opening occurs

Harry plays with his Playmobil Jurassic Park

Noddy and Evelyn abandon the idea of a swim

Noddy heads back of Graffiti Bridge

The nearly-swimmers head back up to Seafort Parade

Gathering in the lounge of Number 19

A rainy view out of the window

Noddy's bedroom

Fred waves a light sabre around

It's a present-opening frenzy

Meanwhile, the kitchen is quiet

The kitchen table

Nosher and Isobel

A crazy crowd with two crazies on the front row

Fred keeps doing his crazy eye thing

Noddy looks a bit wrecked

Fred does some drawing

One of Louise's old cartoons