Fred shines a torch in his face
Evelyn and Louise - known to Fred as "Da Wheeze" - are over from Dublin for a couple of days. As it's Easter, we head out for lunch at the Cock Inn on Fair Green in Diss with Grandad. There's also some random stuff from the Farmers' Market in Diss and a trip to Ipswich.
next album: The BBs at BOCM Paul's Pavilion,and a Thornham Walk, Burston and Thornham - 22nd April 2012
previous album: The Dereliction of Suffolk County Council, Ipswich, Suffolk - 3rd April 2012
Fred shines a torch in his face
Harry does his best 'Magnum' or 'Blue Steel'
Harry has a bath. Fred seems to be enjoying it too
Isobel and Evelyn sort out bathtime
Harry gets dried off
Chaos in the kitchen
'Da Wheeze' with Harry
Fred and Isobel make some brownies
Evelyn and Fred mess around
Evelyn carries Fred around the garden
Fred legs it around the garden
Isobel with Harry
Trundling around the back field
Fred and Louise walk around to Chinner's field
Harry's first trip to the pub at 11 days old
Evelyn checks Fred's pocket for stashed sweets
Sylvia comes over to check Harry out
Alan peers over from behind the bar
We go out for Easter lunch in the Cock Inn
Fred and Louise in the Cock Inn, Diss
We have our own room at the back of the pub
Louise and Grandad have a smoke out the back
The sign for last night's BBs gig
Evelyn and Isobel do puddings
Grandad and Fred
Fred looks at Louise's camera
Evelyn, Fred and Isobel
Outside the Cock Inn on Fair Green
Spammy's ABC blanket is put on Harry
Fred and Isobel stump up the stairs
Fred in the Wimpy at Ipswich
Isobel in Wimpy at the Buttermarket in Ipswich
Fred and Isobel
Isobel and Fred in the Thoroughfare, Ipswich
The rainy flagstones of Ipswich
Lots of Isobels and Freds in the Buttermarket lifts
Fred looks at Ducks on the Mere with Grandad
Grandad picks dust out of his eye by the Mere
'Tone' plays some guitar at the Farmers' Market
Diss Farmers' Market, and Trevor the apple man
Farmers' Market on Diss market place
A fancy milkshake stall
Fred picks out his milkshake flavour
Diss Market Place
Fred and Isobel do milkshakes
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Fred shines a torch in his face
Harry does his best 'Magnum' or 'Blue Steel'
Harry has a bath. Fred seems to be enjoying it too
Isobel and Evelyn sort out bathtime
Harry gets dried off
Chaos in the kitchen
'Da Wheeze' with Harry
Fred and Isobel make some brownies
Evelyn and Fred mess around
Evelyn carries Fred around the garden
Fred legs it around the garden
Isobel with Harry
Trundling around the back field
Fred and Louise walk around to Chinner's field
Harry's first trip to the pub at 11 days old
Evelyn checks Fred's pocket for stashed sweets
Sylvia comes over to check Harry out
Alan peers over from behind the bar
We go out for Easter lunch in the Cock Inn
Fred and Louise in the Cock Inn, Diss
We have our own room at the back of the pub
Louise and Grandad have a smoke out the back
The sign for last night's BBs gig
Evelyn and Isobel do puddings
Grandad and Fred
Fred looks at Louise's camera
Evelyn, Fred and Isobel
Outside the Cock Inn on Fair Green
Spammy's ABC blanket is put on Harry
Fred and Isobel stump up the stairs
Fred in the Wimpy at Ipswich
Isobel in Wimpy at the Buttermarket in Ipswich
Fred and Isobel
Isobel and Fred in the Thoroughfare, Ipswich
The rainy flagstones of Ipswich
Lots of Isobels and Freds in the Buttermarket lifts
Fred looks at Ducks on the Mere with Grandad
Grandad picks dust out of his eye by the Mere
'Tone' plays some guitar at the Farmers' Market
Diss Farmers' Market, and Trevor the apple man
Farmers' Market on Diss market place
A fancy milkshake stall
Fred picks out his milkshake flavour
Diss Market Place
Fred and Isobel do milkshakes