Passengers walk out to the plane
Seeing as Christmas was spent with Nosher's Sis in Devon, it's only fitting that the next major religious-based festival should be with Isobel's family in Blackrock, County Dublin. So we drive to Norwich to catch a flight to Dublin (the take-off is entertaining on account of the small plane and the very large wind), and head down for Easter. The weekend includes a trip to La Strada for some Italian, and a wander around Dublin's city centre for a couple of pints of Guinness.
next album: Mother and Mike, Rachel and Sam, and the Scan That Changes Everything - 30th March 2008
previous album: San Diego and Hollywood, California, US - 3rd March 2008
Passengers walk out to the plane
The FlyBe Dash 8 on the apron at Norwich
The FlyBe Dash 8 loads up on the tarmac
A feathered wide-chord six-bladed properllor
The strong winds blow parallel lines of spray
The Irish coast
The coast of County Dublin, on final approach
A rainy view of Dublin Airport
An Aer Lingus 737 on the ground at Dublin
The plane disembarks on a cold and wet apron
Noddy gets his hair straightened
Evelyn reads a trashy magazine as Isobel has tea
Noddy gets a make-over, with some champagne
Louise has the nit comb out
The final result of Noddy's hair-straightening
Ev, Noddy and Jen in La Strada
The night is more entertaining than it looks
'El Patron' brings over some Sambucca
A Dublin Bus steams through Blackrock
The sign is not an instruction
In the grounds of Tinity College
Isobel and Louise stride across the cobbles
Trinity College
Down in Temple Bar
'Fresh ' graffiti
Super-bright graffiti
An outdoor book sale in Temple Bar
Books for sale
Regent Street, looking down to the Liffey
'Wall of Fame' graffiti-cum-advertising
We wander down to an outdoor market
Outdoor market
A car does a novel 1000-point turn
Music posters
A cool old sign: 'Why go bald'
The 'Balkantours' shop isn't really appealing
Walton's Music shop
Music posters on the steps of Simon's Café
Inside Simon's Café
Louise looks bored
Reading and waiting for something to happen
The funky basement of Simon's Café
Indoor market in Dublin
More of the indoor market
The flower stalls on Grafton Street
Flower ladies
Isobel gets a bunch of flowers
A dude on a stool
A glass grating on Grafton Street
Back alley off Grafton Street, Dublin
A rock memorial in the park
The Gardai hassle a dude who's waving a guitar
The park in Dublin
A fire engine does fund-raising on Grafton Street
The Dublin Fire Brigade engine
Graffiti and torn fly-posters
A basement staircase doubles as a rubbish bin
In the Stag's Head bar
The Stag's Head
A neon sign
Backdoor graffiti
A Dublin back street
The Trinity Barber Shop
M J O'Neill's bar
Isobel bumps into an old school friend
The Molly Malone statue in Dublin
A couple of workers do sod-all and watch tarmac set
Isobel shakes paws with Oscar
In Blackrock: 'Make luv not war'
Blackrock Market
Isobel, Evelyn and Jen look at a cat in a petshop
Isobel and Jen plus a school friend
A discarded sandwich box in the departure lounge
Dublin Bay and the Winkies
Back in Norwich, after flying through a blizzard
The empty baggage hall of Norwich Airport
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Passengers walk out to the plane
The FlyBe Dash 8 on the apron at Norwich
The FlyBe Dash 8 loads up on the tarmac
A feathered wide-chord six-bladed properllor
The strong winds blow parallel lines of spray
The Irish coast
The coast of County Dublin, on final approach
A rainy view of Dublin Airport
An Aer Lingus 737 on the ground at Dublin
The plane disembarks on a cold and wet apron
Noddy gets his hair straightened
Evelyn reads a trashy magazine as Isobel has tea
Noddy gets a make-over, with some champagne
Louise has the nit comb out
The final result of Noddy's hair-straightening
Ev, Noddy and Jen in La Strada
The night is more entertaining than it looks
'El Patron' brings over some Sambucca
A Dublin Bus steams through Blackrock
The sign is not an instruction
In the grounds of Tinity College
Isobel and Louise stride across the cobbles
Trinity College
Down in Temple Bar
'Fresh ' graffiti
Super-bright graffiti
An outdoor book sale in Temple Bar
Books for sale
Regent Street, looking down to the Liffey
'Wall of Fame' graffiti-cum-advertising
We wander down to an outdoor market
Outdoor market
A car does a novel 1000-point turn
Music posters
A cool old sign: 'Why go bald'
The 'Balkantours' shop isn't really appealing
Walton's Music shop
Music posters on the steps of Simon's Café
Inside Simon's Café
Louise looks bored
Reading and waiting for something to happen
The funky basement of Simon's Café
Indoor market in Dublin
More of the indoor market
The flower stalls on Grafton Street
Flower ladies
Isobel gets a bunch of flowers
A dude on a stool
A glass grating on Grafton Street
Back alley off Grafton Street, Dublin
A rock memorial in the park
The Gardai hassle a dude who's waving a guitar
The park in Dublin
A fire engine does fund-raising on Grafton Street
The Dublin Fire Brigade engine
Graffiti and torn fly-posters
A basement staircase doubles as a rubbish bin
In the Stag's Head bar
The Stag's Head
A neon sign
Backdoor graffiti
A Dublin back street
The Trinity Barber Shop
M J O'Neill's bar
Isobel bumps into an old school friend
The Molly Malone statue in Dublin
A couple of workers do sod-all and watch tarmac set
Isobel shakes paws with Oscar
In Blackrock: 'Make luv not war'
Blackrock Market
Isobel, Evelyn and Jen look at a cat in a petshop
Isobel and Jen plus a school friend
A discarded sandwich box in the departure lounge
Dublin Bay and the Winkies
Back in Norwich, after flying through a blizzard
The empty baggage hall of Norwich Airport