Street food near the hotel

Street food near the hotel

Down on the hot street

Chillies and mystery bags of vegetables

Bangkok street scene

A cheerful woman sells meat on a stick

A pop-up café

Under the bridge

Evening market stalls

A stroll down a side street

Mobile scooter-driven food stalls

The Erawan Shrine, dedicated to Phra Phrom

A scene of incense and candles

Some traditional Thai dancing occurs

An offering of fruit and flowers to the god

The Erawan Shrine

The Thai instantiation of a Hindi god

More smoky scenes

Thai dancers

Wooden elephants with gold foil on their heads

Nosher's dinner

The river taxis only stop for a few seconds

The needle-boat churns up a big wake

Crowded riverside houses

A hard-hatted river pilot keeps an eye out

Riverside houses

A woman with baskets of fruit roams around

The temple of the standing Buddha

Statues covered with squares of gold foil

A massive standing Buddha

A back-street scene

Over the rooftops

Palm trees in a garden

An incredibly-ornate temple building

Another gold-leafed statue

A woman and a wheelbarrow

Nosher's tuk-tuk driver makes some running repairs

Some crazy wiring

Wat Benchamabophit - the Marble Temple

Massive lilly pads

Another western tourist looks at statues

Old dudes play chequers outside a cafe

Every car is a taxi

Views from Phukhao Thong Wat Saket

Bangkok City

The view down to the river and the needle boats

Fake plastic Buddhas

Pinnacles at the top of the Golden Mount

Nosher in the required bare feet

Another self-portrait in the Filipino Barong shirt

This is where the world's mahogony is going

More wheel-based shops

A woman with a sack-barrow

Down by the riverside

One of a million tuk-tuks heads off up the street

Plastic-wrapped Buddhas

Back on the river in a packed river taxi

The needle boats of Bangkok

Another taxi steams up the river

The oddly-deserted foyer of the hotel

The traditional 'view out of the hotel' photo

There's a trip to a huge night market with music

More Thai-pop randomness with an umbrella

Back-stage fruit sellers at San Luam Night Bazaar

Bright lights, hot city

The hotel window view, by day

Nosher's hotel room