Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Isobel's checking out the flat as it's in-between tenants, so after we've taken measurements and stuff, we head up to Mill Road for lunch at Limoncello - the Italian deli we used to frequent in the olden days - before a wander up and down the rest of Mill Road to see what's changed.

next album: The Brome and Oakley Village Fête, Brome Hall, Suffolk - 13th July 2024
previous album: A Return to Bedfield and the Church of St. Nicholas, Suffolk - 11th July 2024

Halfway up Mill Road, near the railway line, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Halfway up Mill Road, near the railway line

Mill Road Baptist Church, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Mill Road Baptist Church

The Romsey Mill charity shop, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

The Romsey Mill charity shop

There's a new 'Romsey R', celebrating railways, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

There's a new 'Romsey R', celebrating railways

Greg's Cycles, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Greg's Cycles

We find some parking on Catherine Street, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

We find some parking on Catherine Street

Cutlacks has closed down, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Cutlacks has closed down

Tesco Metro has closed, to the joy of the locals, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Tesco Metro has closed, to the joy of the locals

We have lunch at Limoncello, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

We have lunch at Limoncello

Isobel on Mill Road, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Isobel on Mill Road

Monarch Coin Laundry is utterly unchanged, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Monarch Coin Laundry is utterly unchanged

A flower shop, and the Black Cat Café, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

A flower shop, and the Black Cat Café

Isobel scopes out flat prices, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Isobel scopes out flat prices

Isobel on the Mill Road railway bridge, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Isobel on the Mill Road railway bridge

Derelict railway buildings, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Derelict railway buildings

These boarded-up buildings look otherwise fine, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

These boarded-up buildings look otherwise fine

Another closed-up shop, on Devonshire Road, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

Another closed-up shop, on Devonshire Road

We visit the legendary Cho Mee supermarket, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

We visit the legendary Cho Mee supermarket

The Vistorian Free Library is up for sale, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

The Vistorian Free Library is up for sale

The oak framework is complete, Back on Mill Road, North Romsey, Cambridge - 12th July 2024

The oak framework is complete

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Halfway up Mill Road, near the railway line

Halfway up Mill Road, near the railway line

Mill Road Baptist Church

The Romsey Mill charity shop

There's a new 'Romsey R', celebrating railways

Greg's Cycles

We find some parking on Catherine Street

Cutlacks has closed down

Tesco Metro has closed, to the joy of the locals

We have lunch at Limoncello

Isobel on Mill Road

Monarch Coin Laundry is utterly unchanged

A flower shop, and the Black Cat Café

Isobel scopes out flat prices

Isobel on the Mill Road railway bridge

Derelict railway buildings

These boarded-up buildings look otherwise fine

Another closed-up shop, on Devonshire Road

We visit the legendary Cho Mee supermarket

The Vistorian Free Library is up for sale

The oak framework is complete