Leaves start to come out on Thornham Road

Leaves start to come out on Thornham Road

A field of oilseed in flower

The Earlsford Road junction in Thornham

A field of oilseed just outside Eye, on the B1077

Gaz looks skyward in the Hoxne Swan beer garden

Nosher's beer, and Phil has a slurp

Paul, Phil and Gaz in the Swan beer garden

The sun sets, taking any warmth with it

We move into the marquee, which is 0.5° warmer

All the pub furniture is now outside

The empty smaller bar in the Hoxne Swan

The 'snug' room is deserted

Lights around the marquee

Paul and Gaz

Gaz stands by the fire to warm up slightly

A disused commercial building in the middle of Eye

Church Street and Buckshorn Lane

Harry and Isobel cycle up Church Street

It's normal to have gloves on to drink beer

Pippa and Apple are on the adjacent table

Harry's got a blanket to keep warm

Our pile of bikes

The Oaksmere's marquee

A grand old oak tree

Another trip to the Oaksmere, gloves on

Frazer stands on a table to do a raffle

Isobel wanders about

Blossom is out by the Oaksmere

Some of Fred's collection

More of Fred's impressive home-made museum

Fred's bedroom has exploded or something