A Trip to Framlingham Castle, Framlingham, Suffolk - 16th February 2014

Fred's learning about castles at school, so it's handy that there's a large one just a few miles down the road in Framlingham. Plus, it's a nice day for it.

next album: SwiftKey Innovation, The Hub, Westminster, London - 21st February 2014
previous album: A Dragoney Sort of Day, Norwich, Norfolk - 15th February 2014

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Framlingham Castle is covered in scaffolding

Framlingham Castle is covered in scaffolding

Fred chases Harry around with a sword

A stone head

Inside a huge old bread oven

Isobel and Fred do some rubbings

Fred's captured Gabes

'The Cottage', in the grounds of the castle's Bailey

The Elizabethan house

A view towards Framlingham College over the Mere

Isobel helps Harry up some steps

Fred in his knight's costume

Framlingham castle from the ramparts

Fred looks out

A nose-less plaque of Mary Tudor

A table full of books

Graffiti on an oak beam

In a small museum, there's an Apple ][ Europlus

More random old hardware: a 1940s telephone

Fred builds a chimney

Another head on a wall

Isobel scopes for snacks in Framlingham's Co-Op

Fred on a tractor ride

Framlingham town centre

In a butcher's shop - a comedy sausage trophy

Framlingham's Church of St. Michael

Fred and Harry roam around

Fred's new chum Eugene knocks over a big stack of blocks

Fred runs around like a lunatic

Harry can't really see out of his helmet