Isobel's 'armadillo' opens up
It's odds-and-sodds from the end of January and early February: Isobel's Amarylis - "The Armadillo" - flowers dramatically for a few days. Then, there's another TouchType trip to Nando's under Cannon Street Bridge on the South Bank in London. As a result, Nosher has "posh-cam" on the commute in to the City, and so re-visits some of the trackside graffiti shots that have become something of a mild obsession (there's something about the constant war of paint between graffiti taggers and "The Man"). So some of these pics have appeared in a previous alternate version, but were thought worthy of an additional entry with a better camera. Finally, Isobel's off to run a workshop in London for a day, and so it's her turn to get the train. Nosher and Fred become train spotters for a few minutes to see her off.
next album: A Trip To Peckham, London - 5th February 2012
previous album: Railway Randomness, and Grandad Sets Fire to Stuff, London and Brome, Suffolk - 22nd January 2012
Isobel's 'armadillo' opens up
Isobel in the kitchen
The bump increases
Boris - Stripey Cat - sits on a chair
Amaryllis stamens are lit up by winter sunshine
Fred stuffs sausage into his face
Fred waves his serviette around
The closed-down 'Nutbush' already looks derelict
Grandad helps build a Lego fire engine in Amandines
Grandad and Fred in Amandines
Rob has a twang in the Millenium Complex
The BBs are back at The Swan for a rehearsal
On the rails near Liverpool Street
Graffiti on a building near Liverpool Street
Nosher's favourite toothy pink monster graffiti
The train's last days as a National Express service
Another attempt to get Liverpool Street's entrance
In Nando's, menus are inspected
Wei looks over
TouchType discussions occur
Doug cleans a tooth pick
The chandeliers of Nando's
Under-the-railway arches near Ewer Street
A folding chair, that looks like it's in disgrace
Ben and Jon and a pile of champagne
Andy and Rhodri chat
James Hay pours out some fizz
A toast from Mark the investor
Ben, Mark and Jon
Isobel and Fred on the platform at Diss
Fred on Platform One at Diss
The line to London
Class 90 loco 90003 hauls in the 07:57 to London
Isobel heads off
Passengers pile in to the Mark 3 coach
A Mark 3 carriage in NXEA livery
The rear end DVT heads off
Kelly the dispatcher heads off back to the office
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Isobel's 'armadillo' opens up
Isobel in the kitchen
The bump increases
Boris - Stripey Cat - sits on a chair
Amaryllis stamens are lit up by winter sunshine
Fred stuffs sausage into his face
Fred waves his serviette around
The closed-down 'Nutbush' already looks derelict
Grandad helps build a Lego fire engine in Amandines
Grandad and Fred in Amandines
Rob has a twang in the Millenium Complex
The BBs are back at The Swan for a rehearsal
On the rails near Liverpool Street
Graffiti on a building near Liverpool Street
Nosher's favourite toothy pink monster graffiti
The train's last days as a National Express service
Another attempt to get Liverpool Street's entrance
In Nando's, menus are inspected
Wei looks over
TouchType discussions occur
Doug cleans a tooth pick
The chandeliers of Nando's
Under-the-railway arches near Ewer Street
A folding chair, that looks like it's in disgrace
Ben and Jon and a pile of champagne
Andy and Rhodri chat
James Hay pours out some fizz
A toast from Mark the investor
Ben, Mark and Jon
Isobel and Fred on the platform at Diss
Fred on Platform One at Diss
The line to London
Class 90 loco 90003 hauls in the 07:57 to London
Isobel heads off
Passengers pile in to the Mark 3 coach
A Mark 3 carriage in NXEA livery
The rear end DVT heads off
Kelly the dispatcher heads off back to the office