A new building squeezes in
There's a continuation of documenting the graffiti and general state of dereliction along the railway tracks on the way in to work in London, then Grandad sets fire to a big pile of stuff in the garden for a bit of a burn up. Then Boris the Stripey Cat gets a carnation to wear, and it's Chickens' birthday, so we're out for Chinese food at Lee's Cottage in Eye. After that, it's a rainy day in Diss as Isobel forgets about her "Cafecito Español" but happens to be going on in Amandines anyway.
next album: The Bump, TouchType at Nandos, and Isobel does London - 3rd February 2012
previous album: A Morning in Blackrock, County Dublin, Ireland - 8th January 2012
A new building squeezes in
Graffiti from Bake
There's a new Ment tag on the railway bridge
The view along the train as it comes in to London
Brick arches near Brick Lane
New silver tags
Graffiti around Brick Lane
The pink octopus graffiti monster
Pink graffiti monster: Horror!!!
Near Liverpool Street
For some reason points are always set in wood
Two trains pass each other
Big pink splodges of paint
Nosher's bike inside the DVT
Paper prototyping at TouchType
The Ol' Fishing Spot is popular on Diss Mere
Andy the sausage peers out from his van
There's an explosion of birds over the Mere
Intense flames
Grandad looks away from his conflagration
Fred comes to investigate
Granddad's big burn up
Grandad pokes the fire
An aeroplane trail crosses the starry sky
A star trail, with Orion's belt like an ≡
Suzanne and Clive in Lee's Cottage
Isobel, Suzanne and Clive discuss stuff
Wandering through the streets of Eye
Back at the car
Fred's latest Lego creation
Pump Hill in Diss, through a rainy windscreen
Pump Hill, with the new motor in the rain
Sue comes over to say hello to Fred in Amandines
Amanadines Sue chats to Isobel
Isobel and the Cafecito Español
Boris - Stripey Cat - has a carnation stuck to his head
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
A new building squeezes in
Graffiti from Bake
There's a new Ment tag on the railway bridge
The view along the train as it comes in to London
Brick arches near Brick Lane
New silver tags
Graffiti around Brick Lane
The pink octopus graffiti monster
Pink graffiti monster: Horror!!!
Near Liverpool Street
For some reason points are always set in wood
Two trains pass each other
Big pink splodges of paint
Nosher's bike inside the DVT
Paper prototyping at TouchType
The Ol' Fishing Spot is popular on Diss Mere
Andy the sausage peers out from his van
There's an explosion of birds over the Mere
Intense flames
Grandad looks away from his conflagration
Fred comes to investigate
Granddad's big burn up
Grandad pokes the fire
An aeroplane trail crosses the starry sky
A star trail, with Orion's belt like an ≡
Suzanne and Clive in Lee's Cottage
Isobel, Suzanne and Clive discuss stuff
Wandering through the streets of Eye
Back at the car
Fred's latest Lego creation
Pump Hill in Diss, through a rainy windscreen
Pump Hill, with the new motor in the rain
Sue comes over to say hello to Fred in Amandines
Amanadines Sue chats to Isobel
Isobel and the Cafecito Español
Boris - Stripey Cat - has a carnation stuck to his head