Isobel waves 'Thing on a Stick' at Sophie
It's another miscellaneous round-up as Isobel plays with Soph-bags the Cat in the lounge, then The BBs play the Lord Mayor's Ball at the Carnegie Rooms in Thetford, Norfolk - Max isn't available so we've got John from Rob's other band as a deputy bass player. Later, Nosher whiles away and hour trying and mostly failing to get a photo of a bee taking off from a flower, then it's back to Cambridge for a walk around Mill Road followed by the market in town. Finally there's an evening around Caroline and John's for dinner and some more sprog practising.
next album: Hani's Stag Beers and a Punting Trip on the Cam, Cambridge - 1st May 2008
previous album: The Harvs at the Cherry Tree, and The BBs at Toft Monks, Suffolk and Norfolk - 6th April 2008
Isobel waves 'Thing on a Stick' at Sophie
Soph-bags wanders off
Soph-bags is surrounded by 'thing on a stick'
Isobel reads a baby book to Sophie
Isobel and Cat flake out after all the excitement
Iz peers out over the top of her trashy mag
John, the BBs' deputy bassist for the night
Rob and Henry fiddle about
On the stage at the Carnegie Rooms
Henry looks out over the hall
John, Rob and Jo have beers
The view from Henry's kit
A glass of beer looks at its own reflection
Beer and water talk about life
A stage light through a curtain
Nosher's shirt hangs up
Thetford from behind bars (of a sort)
Henry and his ever-present test drum pads
John and two Robs
A bumblebee gets nectar from a nettle flower
Spring daffodils
Yellow narcissi
A solitary daisy
Sophie on the lawn
A bumblebee on another nettle
Isobel offers up the Thai greeting on Mill Road
Isobel checks the bump on Mill Road
The protest against plans for Tesco continues
Isobel waits with her new-found 70s standard lamp
St. Margaret's church and Cambridge market
Cambridge market looking to Rose Crescent
Another view of Cambridge Market
A back alley
We bump into former Qualcomm colleague James
A stall-holder's trolley outside the town hall
A beat-up Cambridge Evening News stall
Abandoned trolleys with 'CO2' balloons
John with Zack and glass of Shiraz
Caroline and Zack
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Isobel waves 'Thing on a Stick' at Sophie
Soph-bags wanders off
Soph-bags is surrounded by 'thing on a stick'
Isobel reads a baby book to Sophie
Isobel and Cat flake out after all the excitement
Iz peers out over the top of her trashy mag
John, the BBs' deputy bassist for the night
Rob and Henry fiddle about
On the stage at the Carnegie Rooms
Henry looks out over the hall
John, Rob and Jo have beers
The view from Henry's kit
A glass of beer looks at its own reflection
Beer and water talk about life
A stage light through a curtain
Nosher's shirt hangs up
Thetford from behind bars (of a sort)
Henry and his ever-present test drum pads
John and two Robs
A bumblebee gets nectar from a nettle flower
Spring daffodils
Yellow narcissi
A solitary daisy
Sophie on the lawn
A bumblebee on another nettle
Isobel offers up the Thai greeting on Mill Road
Isobel checks the bump on Mill Road
The protest against plans for Tesco continues
Isobel waits with her new-found 70s standard lamp
St. Margaret's church and Cambridge market
Cambridge market looking to Rose Crescent
Another view of Cambridge Market
A back alley
We bump into former Qualcomm colleague James
A stall-holder's trolley outside the town hall
A beat-up Cambridge Evening News stall
Abandoned trolleys with 'CO2' balloons
John with Zack and glass of Shiraz
Caroline and Zack