The GSB at the Scouts' Duck Race, The Pennings, Eye - 23rd September 2023

The Gislingham Silver Band returns to do the Scouts' Duck Race at the Pennings, after a few years' break thanks to Covid and a lack of contact details. Before that, we head to the band hut so that Fred can swap his tiny band jacket for one that actually fits - after trying on one of the old jackets from the 1960s.

next album: The Waverley Paddle Steamer at Southwold Pier, Suffolk - 27th September 2023
previous album: Isobel's Second Pantomime Workshop, and the GSB at Yaxley, Suffolk - 17th September 2023

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The derelict-but-still-open Six Bells in Walsham

The derelict-but-still-open Six Bells in Walsham

Mick the Brick chats at the Mellis Railway bar

Fred tries on an old band jacket in the GSB hut

Molly Mog - Tiny Cat - roams around

Molly looks at something

A spoof newspaper headline in an empty shop

Harry gravitates to sweets in the Co-op

Isobel buys a few things in the co-op

The band sets up in the marquee at the Pennings

Isobel roams around in costume

The Gislingham Silver Band in a marquee

Kenny chats to Adrian

A barbeque occurs

Plastic ducks all lined up in rows

David buys a ticket for the duck race

The scene at the Scouts' duck race

Some of the band chat before the gig

Isobel works the crowds

Andy P chats to Julian

The Scouts gang before the ducks go in

Ducks are packed away again

A view of the Pennings

A US-Army Jeep

The Scouts set-up from the undergrowth