Derelict lottery points behind the Co-op
Isobel's running a second pantomime workshop as part of Eye's Heritage Week. This time, it's in the grounds of Eye Castle - now a Victorian folly on the top of the Motte of one of Baron Bigod's 12th-century castles - with the pantomime activities taking place in what was the bailey, near some original walls. In between, Nosher also has a roam around some of the other Heritage Weekend events, with another visit to the infrequently-open Council Chambers. Later, the Gislingham Silver Band is playing a Harvest Festival gig at the church of St. Mary's in Yaxley.
next album: The GSB at the Scouts' Duck Race, The Pennings, Eye - 23rd September 2023
previous album: A Brome Quiz and a Morris Dancing Festival, Norwich - 16th September 2023
Derelict lottery points behind the Co-op
Fred on the steps up from the car park in Eye
Fred, Sophie and Grace
Isobel tries on some costumes
Fred, Grace, The Roph and Harry are in the walls
Hanging around under the tree
Harry legs it from a group activity
Isobel does some dancing
Fred's looking a bit Baader-Meinhof
Will roams around as dancing occurs
Mario and Fred play some musical accompaniment
Isobel's still dancing
A conga breaks out in the castle grounds
There's a game of wink murder
1940s US Army stuff in the Town Hall
Jules is doing Scout history again
The door of the old Town Hall jail cell
A view of Lambseth Street from the Council Chambers
Old-timey rubber stamps
One of the original courthouse docks
Mayoral regalia in the council chambers
A photo of a march through Eye in 1949
A shield and a bust of some dude
Someone tries a hat on
The mayor's robe and ruffles
The Victorian edifice that is the Town Hall
A former pub on Church Street
The Victorian folly on the Bigod Castle site
Fred points a stick or something
Isobel's pantomime workshop continues
An interesting house in Yaxley
An array of harvest courgettes
Kenny and Adrian are in early
Julian lights some candles
The nave of St. Mary's in Yaxley
Stacked heaters in the belfry
Another view of the nave of St. Mary's
Harvest Festival offerings
Fragments of mediaeval painting on the wall
Julian roams around with a candle snuffer
St. Mary's in the dusk
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
Derelict lottery points behind the Co-op
Fred on the steps up from the car park in Eye
Fred, Sophie and Grace
Isobel tries on some costumes
Fred, Grace, The Roph and Harry are in the walls
Hanging around under the tree
Harry legs it from a group activity
Isobel does some dancing
Fred's looking a bit Baader-Meinhof
Will roams around as dancing occurs
Mario and Fred play some musical accompaniment
Isobel's still dancing
A conga breaks out in the castle grounds
There's a game of wink murder
1940s US Army stuff in the Town Hall
Jules is doing Scout history again
The door of the old Town Hall jail cell
A view of Lambseth Street from the Council Chambers
Old-timey rubber stamps
One of the original courthouse docks
Mayoral regalia in the council chambers
A photo of a march through Eye in 1949
A shield and a bust of some dude
Someone tries a hat on
The mayor's robe and ruffles
The Victorian edifice that is the Town Hall
A former pub on Church Street
The Victorian folly on the Bigod Castle site
Fred points a stick or something
Isobel's pantomime workshop continues
An interesting house in Yaxley
An array of harvest courgettes
Kenny and Adrian are in early
Julian lights some candles
The nave of St. Mary's in Yaxley
Stacked heaters in the belfry
Another view of the nave of St. Mary's
Harvest Festival offerings
Fragments of mediaeval painting on the wall
Julian roams around with a candle snuffer
St. Mary's in the dusk