Derelict walls covered in graffiti

Derelict walls covered in graffiti

The car sits by Graffiti Wall

More recent graffiti

The Barnet Pink Face

Impressive tag, with a 'we miss you Annie'

Silver tags and graffiti'd wheelie bins

A covered wall

Pink graffiti

The old derelict HMSO building on Botolph Street

Loads of colourful tags

Cool tag from TNF and ATS

Silver graffiti, possibly Gassmo

Even the traffic cones have graffiti on

Fred stands by the graffiti wall

Fred looks surprised, near a One

Fred leans on a painted wall

A long wall of dense tags

The central column of the HMSO building

Impressive wall art around the HMSO building

A view of the loading bay

Another view of the HMSO building

More of the graffiti on the bottom of the wall

Looking towards Saint Crispin's Road

The loading bay

Smashed windows