Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

It's Mikey P and twin Andy's 40th birthdays over at Mikey's gaff in Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk.

next album: A Trip to Highcliffe Castle, Highcliffe, Dorset - 18th March 2013
previous album: Bramford Dereliction and Marconi Demolition, Chelmsford - 12th March 2013

In the kitchen, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

In the kitchen

Suey chats to DH, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Suey chats to DH

Back in the kitchen, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Back in the kitchen

Mikey shows off an award, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Mikey shows off an award

The Boy Phil and Marc are on the sofa, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

The Boy Phil and Marc are on the sofa

More kitchen action, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

More kitchen action

Marc's on his phone, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Marc's on his phone

Mikey - with beer-holster installed - and Wavy, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Mikey - with beer-holster installed - and Wavy

Andy waves a chicken leg around, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy waves a chicken leg around

Andy passes the cakes around, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy passes the cakes around

In the other lounge, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

In the other lounge

Andy moves on with the cupcakes, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy moves on with the cupcakes

Andy's still on cake duty, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy's still on cake duty

Andy gets the bumps, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy gets the bumps

Andy's on the floor, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy's on the floor

Mike gets the bumps, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Mike gets the bumps

A 40th birthday cake, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

A 40th birthday cake

Jimmy's got the cake, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Jimmy's got the cake

Andy and Mike blow the candles out, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Andy and Mike blow the candles out

Mikey does a speech, Mikey P and Andy's 40th Birthday, Thorpe Abbots, Norfolk - 16th March 2013

Mikey does a speech

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

In the kitchen

In the kitchen

Suey chats to DH

Back in the kitchen

Mikey shows off an award

The Boy Phil and Marc are on the sofa

More kitchen action

Marc's on his phone

Mikey - with beer-holster installed - and Wavy

Andy waves a chicken leg around

Andy passes the cakes around

In the other lounge

Andy moves on with the cupcakes

Andy's still on cake duty

Andy gets the bumps

Andy's on the floor

Mike gets the bumps

A 40th birthday cake

Jimmy's got the cake

Andy and Mike blow the candles out

Mikey does a speech