A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

We make use of the garden part of the Bressingham Steam and Gardens season ticket for a walk around the Winter Garden.

next album: Demolition of the Bacon Factory, and Railway Dereliction, Ipswich and London - 5th March 2013
previous album: An Anti-Fascist March, Mill Road, Cambridge - 23rd February 2013

Harry plays with a board book in Amandines, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Harry plays with a board book in Amandines

Fred builds block towers in Amandines, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred builds block towers in Amandines

Isobel lays out some mustard on her hotdog, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Isobel lays out some mustard on her hotdog

Spot the Pigeon, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Spot the Pigeon

Crossing the railway line, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Crossing the railway line

Bright red winter plants, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Bright red winter plants

Fred roams around Bressingham Gardens, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred roams around Bressingham Gardens

Fred in the Winter Gardens, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred in the Winter Gardens

Impressive contrast of winter grasses, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Impressive contrast of winter grasses

Isobel, Harry and Grandad trundle around, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Isobel, Harry and Grandad trundle around

Fred's got a bit of pampas grass, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred's got a bit of pampas grass

Fred gets seeds all over Grandad's trousers, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred gets seeds all over Grandad's trousers

Funky hole in a tree, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Funky hole in a tree

Fred with pampas grass fronds, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred with pampas grass fronds

Fred looks cheeky with pampas grass, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Fred looks cheeky with pampas grass

The house in the gardens, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

The house in the gardens

A carpet of crocii, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

A carpet of crocii

More colourful crocii, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

More colourful crocii

Grandad sits in the shed and scowls at Fred, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Grandad sits in the shed and scowls at Fred

A pair of teak garden chairs, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

A pair of teak garden chairs

Harry gets scooped up, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Harry gets scooped up

Nice birch bark, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Nice birch bark

A carpet of purple flowers, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

A carpet of purple flowers

Grandad's hit the buffers, A Walk around Bressingham Winter Garden, Bressingham, Norfolk - 3rd March 2013

Grandad's hit the buffers

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Harry plays with a board book in Amandines

Harry plays with a board book in Amandines

Fred builds block towers in Amandines

Isobel lays out some mustard on her hotdog

Spot the Pigeon

Crossing the railway line

Bright red winter plants

Fred roams around Bressingham Gardens

Fred in the Winter Gardens

Impressive contrast of winter grasses

Isobel, Harry and Grandad trundle around

Fred's got a bit of pampas grass

Fred gets seeds all over Grandad's trousers

Funky hole in a tree

Fred with pampas grass fronds

Fred looks cheeky with pampas grass

The house in the gardens

A carpet of crocii

More colourful crocii

Grandad sits in the shed and scowls at Fred

A pair of teak garden chairs

Harry gets scooped up

Nice birch bark

A carpet of purple flowers

Grandad's hit the buffers