Rural Norfolk Dereliction and Graffiti, Ipswich Road, Norwich - 27th May 2012

Just outside Norwich, on the Southbound Ipswich Road (A140) and a little bit past Tesco, is an old HGV trailer which has been decaying in situ for at least ten years. It's always been on the list of things to stop off and take a photo of, and on the way back from the North Norfolk coast proves a good opportunity. What's even better though is that the geezer there who's running a flower-and-fruit stall by the side of the road gives a tip-off that there's a derelict warehouse up the lane past the trailer stuffed with graffiti. And so it was - a huge empty warehouse with various tags inside, along with tumble-down farm buildings, a graffiti'd portakabin and the remains of a house, now open to the elements.

next album: The BBs at the White Hart, Roydon, Norfolk - 1st June 2012
previous album: The BSCC at Needham, and a Birthday By The Sea, Cley, Norfolk - 26th May 2012

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The derelict HGV trailer off the A140

The derelict HGV trailer off the A140

The derelict trailer and the lane to the warehouse

A derelict house, open to the elements

A collapsed barn

Heavily graffiti'd Portakabin

Inside the graffiti portakabin

Colourful graffiti

The huge empty warehouse

Graffiti on a wrecked roll-up door

More derelict buildings

A big 'ATS' tag on the warehouse

The derelict Portakabin again

More derelict buildings

Tags inside the huge barn/warehouse

More graffiti

Another view of the huge spookily-empty warehouse

Graffiti tags and a pile of rubbish

An empty, but coralled, gas bottle

Broken electrical fitting

Tumble-down outhouses

A fallen-down roof

More basic tags

Where the light shines through

Inside a wrecked house, and another empty bottle

Quality willy-based wall art

Not another vandal in a wrecked kitchen

What was once someone's lounge, now destroyed

Some entertaining spelling

The stairs to nowhere

Walking back past the wrecked trailer

Back home, and the lawn has been mowed