Summer Walks, and The BBs Play a Taptu Gig, Suffolk and Cambridge - 12th July 2009

Isobel, Nosher and The Boy go for a walk across the fields to Eye as the Chamomile is in full bloom, and end up scoffing at the excellent "all you can eat" buffet at Lee's Cottage Chinese restaurant in Eye. Then, the BBs are playing at Taptu's summer party, which is being held at the rugby club on Barton Road in Cambridge.

next album: The Latitude Festival, Henham Park, Suffolk - 20th July 2009
previous album: The Brome Village Fête, Brome, Suffolk - 4th July 2009

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

A bunch of post-it notes (X)

Stef discusses the session

Taptu is crammed into the 'chill out' room

A bunch of post-it notes

Over in Wortham, Martina and Wavy pick up a kitten

A butterfly on some lilac

Isobel strides across the parsley fields

Tony applies some citronella to keep off the horse-flies

Chinner lifts a leg and swishes his tail

Mushrooms in a field

There's a parsley-harvesting frenzy

More mushrooms are spotted

A chamomile field in flower

Isobel gets a macro shot

Poppies areoudn the edge of the field

Poppies and chamomile

Isobel in the crinkle-crankle wall on Victoria Hill

Isobel holds up a flower

The old school in Eye

Fred gets ready for some Chinese food

Isobel ties her shoelace outside the fire station

Chamomile and Suffolk sky

Isobel walks between wheat and chamomile

We follow the tractor tracks across the fields

Poppies by a layby on the A14

Nosher's car by the A14

In the bar at the Rugby Club

Taptu hangs out on the terrace

The band hangs out before the gig

Max roams around looking for food

The Rugby Club on Barton Road

Jake makes a call