Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

At the end of the first day in New Jersey, and still Nosher's first day on the east coast after a couple of months in California, we pack up the car and head over to Lolly's beach house on the idyllic Fire Island - a sandbar 32 miles long and about half a mile across, just off Long Island in New York State. The weather is amazing, the sea freezing and the island quiet and gorgeous - there's almost no traffic, and the only practical way to get over is by ferry, although one tip can be reached by causeway. Phil also happens to be in the volunteer Fire Island Fire Service, so we get to poke around at the fire station too.

Soundtrack for this album:

next album: Times Square, the Empire State and Ground Zero, New York, US - 1st May 2006
previous album: Maplewood and Little-League Baseball, New Jersey - 29th April 2006

Empire State from the New Jersey Turnpike, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Empire State from the New Jersey Turnpike

Near the junction of I-95 and I-80, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Near the junction of I-95 and I-80

Box houses near the interstate, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Box houses near the interstate

The George Washington bridge, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The George Washington bridge

Somewhere in Queens, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Somewhere in Queens

A bridge over the East River, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A bridge over the East River

Queueing for tea at Nicky's Clam Bar, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Queueing for tea at Nicky's Clam Bar

On the Fire island ferry, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

On the Fire island ferry

Kai is somewhere under a heap of coats, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Kai is somewhere under a heap of coats

Kai peers out from his coat coccoon, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Kai peers out from his coat coccoon

Phil gets his fire-department-issue bike out, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil gets his fire-department-issue bike out

Down at the Fair Harbor fire station, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Down at the Fair Harbor fire station

A heap of shells on a table, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A heap of shells on a table

Phil's weather station and a shingled wall, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil's weather station and a shingled wall

Lolly has some breakfast, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Lolly has some breakfast

Phil on the 'Fire Department Rapid-Response Bike', Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil on the 'Fire Department Rapid-Response Bike'

Down at Fair Harbour, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Down at Fair Harbour

An old fire engine, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

An old fire engine

The fire crew have been supplied with new jackets, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The fire crew have been supplied with new jackets

Firemen's jackets, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Firemen's jackets

Phil stands next to a fire truck, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil stands next to a fire truck

Phil on the back of a fire engine, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil on the back of a fire engine

The biggest, shiniest truck in the building, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The biggest, shiniest truck in the building

Phil in the staff canteen, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil in the staff canteen

Phil does an introduction to basic hose use, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil does an introduction to basic hose use

Phil in his gear, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil in his gear

A door of pictures, including Richard Nixon, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A door of pictures, including Richard Nixon

The Fair Harbour real estate agent, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The Fair Harbour real estate agent

The Pioneer General Store, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The Pioneer General Store

Fishing boats on the pier, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Fishing boats on the pier

Phil on the pier, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil on the pier

Fair Harbor, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Fair Harbor

We grab the bikes to cycle back to the beach house, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

We grab the bikes to cycle back to the beach house

Fair Harbour's doctors' surgery, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Fair Harbour's doctors' surgery

Back on the boardwalks, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Back on the boardwalks

Lolly's cool beach house, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Lolly's cool beach house

On the sea front, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

On the sea front

The only way to drive along the island, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The only way to drive along the island

Phil fires up the barbeque, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil fires up the barbeque

Wide open spaces, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Wide open spaces

Intrepid ladies on the beach in deck-chairs, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Intrepid ladies on the beach in deck-chairs

One of the 'streets' on the island, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

One of the 'streets' on the island

A Fire Island fire hydrant, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A Fire Island fire hydrant

There's a weird yellow statue in the grass, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

There's a weird yellow statue in the grass

A dead branch, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A dead branch

Phil checks the steaks, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil checks the steaks

Eating lunch outside the house, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Eating lunch outside the house

We all head off on bikes, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

We all head off on bikes

Lolly, Phil and Kai on the main street, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Lolly, Phil and Kai on the main street

Fire Island's lighthouse, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Fire Island's lighthouse

We park the bikes and check the information board, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

We park the bikes and check the information board

Climbing up the steps to the lighthouse, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Climbing up the steps to the lighthouse

A view from the lighthouse looking south, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A view from the lighthouse looking south

A boardwalk snakes away across the dunes, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A boardwalk snakes away across the dunes

Looking north towards Fair Harbor, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Looking north towards Fair Harbor

Looking down on the rooftops below, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Looking down on the rooftops below

The lighthouse lantern, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The lighthouse lantern

An old telephone, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

An old telephone

Phil looks up from down below, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil looks up from down below

On the spiral staircase in the lighthouse, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

On the spiral staircase in the lighthouse

A cast-iron spiral staircase, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

A cast-iron spiral staircase

Phil exits the lighthouse, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil exits the lighthouse

We sit on the steps and eat a snack, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

We sit on the steps and eat a snack

On the beach, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

On the beach

Suffolk police drive by, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Suffolk police drive by

Kai on the Fire Department bike, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Kai on the Fire Department bike

Fire Island National Seashore, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Fire Island National Seashore

The quaintly-named Kismet fire department, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

The quaintly-named Kismet fire department

We pause, as it's hard going on the sand, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

We pause, as it's hard going on the sand

Phil saddles up again, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil saddles up again

Phil and Kai do the baseball thing, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Phil and Kai do the baseball thing

More baseball pitching action, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

More baseball pitching action

Footprints in the sand, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Footprints in the sand

Back at Fair Harbor Fire, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Back at Fair Harbor Fire

Half the town turns out for the last ferry back, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Half the town turns out for the last ferry back

Back at Ocean Beach ferry terminal, Phil and the Fair Harbor Fire Engine, Fire Island, New York State, US - 30th April 2006

Back at Ocean Beach ferry terminal

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Empire State from the New Jersey Turnpike

Empire State from the New Jersey Turnpike

Near the junction of I-95 and I-80

Box houses near the interstate

The George Washington bridge

Somewhere in Queens

A bridge over the East River

Queueing for tea at Nicky's Clam Bar

On the Fire island ferry

Kai is somewhere under a heap of coats

Kai peers out from his coat coccoon

Phil gets his fire-department-issue bike out

Down at the Fair Harbor fire station

A heap of shells on a table

Phil's weather station and a shingled wall

Lolly has some breakfast

Phil on the 'Fire Department Rapid-Response Bike'

Down at Fair Harbour

An old fire engine

The fire crew have been supplied with new jackets

Firemen's jackets

Phil stands next to a fire truck

Phil on the back of a fire engine

The biggest, shiniest truck in the building

Phil in the staff canteen

Phil does an introduction to basic hose use

Phil in his gear

A door of pictures, including Richard Nixon

The Fair Harbour real estate agent

The Pioneer General Store

Fishing boats on the pier

Phil on the pier

Fair Harbor

We grab the bikes to cycle back to the beach house

Fair Harbour's doctors' surgery

Back on the boardwalks

Lolly's cool beach house

On the sea front

The only way to drive along the island

Phil fires up the barbeque

Wide open spaces

Intrepid ladies on the beach in deck-chairs

One of the 'streets' on the island

A Fire Island fire hydrant

There's a weird yellow statue in the grass

A dead branch

Phil checks the steaks

Eating lunch outside the house

We all head off on bikes

Lolly, Phil and Kai on the main street

Fire Island's lighthouse

We park the bikes and check the information board

Climbing up the steps to the lighthouse

A view from the lighthouse looking south

A boardwalk snakes away across the dunes

Looking north towards Fair Harbor

Looking down on the rooftops below

The lighthouse lantern

An old telephone

Phil looks up from down below

On the spiral staircase in the lighthouse

A cast-iron spiral staircase

Phil exits the lighthouse

We sit on the steps and eat a snack

On the beach

Suffolk police drive by

Kai on the Fire Department bike

Fire Island National Seashore

The quaintly-named Kismet fire department

We pause, as it's hard going on the sand

Phil saddles up again

Phil and Kai do the baseball thing

More baseball pitching action

Footprints in the sand

Back at Fair Harbor Fire

Half the town turns out for the last ferry back

Back at Ocean Beach ferry terminal