A wrecked toilet on Sandy Lane, Diss
There's a random weekend of abandoned artefacts around the edge of Diss, an African-style choir near the Town Hall in Ipswich and a ramble around the old Suffolk County Council buildings on Rope Walk: some of these have been leased over to the nearby Suffolk College - including St. Edmund House and the old staff club which is allegedly being turned into a Students' Union - whilst the rest are scheduled for sometime demolition, including a 30s classic in the shape of the old Social Service's building of St. Paul's House, and St. Giles, built in the 1970s as a "temporary" office block and which used to house the finance department, known as Paymasters. Then, on the way back, there's a stop off at the Big Giant Head - a carved oak head on Cranley Green Road just outside Eye. Later on, The Boy Phil sorts out an evening of beer at the Cotton Trowel and Hammer, where there's an unexpected flamenco night - just like Barcelona, sort of.
next album: The 28th Norwich Beer Festival, St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich - 26th October 2005
previous album: Andrew Leaves Qualcomm, Cambridge - 18th October 2005
A wrecked toilet on Sandy Lane, Diss
A concrete pipe is an 'anti-traveller' barrier
A pipe and standing water
An abandoned barbeque, in quite good condition
Crowds outside Burton in Ipswich
An African-style church choir entertains the crowds
The choir outside the Cornhall in Ipswich
A bit of Djambe action
A small child joins in
The Cornhall in Ipswich
Crowds mill around outside the Cornhall
St. Edmund's House: Nosher's old office
The old Suffolk County Council Staff Club
It's a 1960s classic
St. Giles House: a 1970s 'temporary' office block
Old rubbish compactor by Suffolk Design and Print
The entrance to what was Suffolk Design and Print
Glass-block wall in St. Paul's House, Rope Walk
St. Paul's back entrance, and SDP's old portakabin
St Paul's and St. Giles, Rope Walk
The front of the 1930s classic St. Paul's
The car park outside St. Paul's
The entrance to St. Edmund's car park
Building with graffiti, Rope Walk
Bollards outside the social club
A never-used car park attendant booth
Eye Church, viewed over a meadow
A leafy lane
The 'Big Giant Head' on Cranley Green Road
Someone pounds fence posts in around a field
There's a Flamenco night in the Trowel and Hammer
Flamenco musicians in the Cotton Trowel and Hammer
More dancing
Wavy, The Boy Phil and Bill
Someone else has a go
The percussionist has a word
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
A wrecked toilet on Sandy Lane, Diss
A concrete pipe is an 'anti-traveller' barrier
A pipe and standing water
An abandoned barbeque, in quite good condition
Crowds outside Burton in Ipswich
An African-style church choir entertains the crowds
The choir outside the Cornhall in Ipswich
A bit of Djambe action
A small child joins in
The Cornhall in Ipswich
Crowds mill around outside the Cornhall
St. Edmund's House: Nosher's old office
The old Suffolk County Council Staff Club
It's a 1960s classic
St. Giles House: a 1970s 'temporary' office block
Old rubbish compactor by Suffolk Design and Print
The entrance to what was Suffolk Design and Print
Glass-block wall in St. Paul's House, Rope Walk
St. Paul's back entrance, and SDP's old portakabin
St Paul's and St. Giles, Rope Walk
The front of the 1930s classic St. Paul's
The car park outside St. Paul's
The entrance to St. Edmund's car park
Building with graffiti, Rope Walk
Bollards outside the social club
A never-used car park attendant booth
Eye Church, viewed over a meadow
A leafy lane
The 'Big Giant Head' on Cranley Green Road
Someone pounds fence posts in around a field
There's a Flamenco night in the Trowel and Hammer
Flamenco musicians in the Cotton Trowel and Hammer
More dancing
Wavy, The Boy Phil and Bill
Someone else has a go
The percussionist has a word