The Mean Streets of Eye, Suffolk - 7th March 2021

The boys have a burning desire to spend money on sweets in the Blue Shop in Eye, but at least it means getting them away from screens for a bit for a bike ride. Before that, it's pancakes for Sunday breakfast, and Harry gets an emergency Lockdown hair cut.

next album: Another Walk on Eye Airfield, Eye, Suffolk - 14th March 2021
previous album: Fred's New Bike and an A140 Closure, Brome, Suffolk - 27th February 2021

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We check up on Grandad

We check up on Grandad

A pile of bikes

Harry has a slurp

The footbridge over the stream

A cool semi-derelict Nissen Hut

The Victorian fashion for fake windows

Dove Lane in Eye

A red felt heart in a frame

Dove Hall - the Vine Church - on Dove Lane

Fred bikes down to the bridge

Ash Drive in Eye

Harry gets back on his bike after a push up the hill

Fred on the bike path to Century Road

Fred on Century Road

Nosher makes pancakes for breakfast

Harry slices a bit of Kiwi fruit

Harry gets a lockdown buzz-cut

The old bit of A140 is already a ghost

A brooding sunset