Family History: The 1960s - 24th January 2020

The definitive collection of family photos: this set is more or less from the 1960s.

next album: A Trip to Orford, Suffolk - 25th January 2020
previous album: Family History: The 1970s, Timperley and Sandbach, Cheshire - 24th January 2020

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Janet on a beach somewhere

Janet on a beach somewhere

Janet (mother) does the groovy 60's chick thing

Janet in a Beatles jacket

Janet at a party

The old man's mutton chops and Mother's bouffant hair

Judith hands out some party food

Number 12, somewhere

Neil and Judith

Guests arrive for a wedding somewhere

Joseph with author Frederick E Smith

Family at a pre-wedding event

Judith and Bruno's wedding

Judith and Bruno do the vows

Judith and Bruno cut the cake

Bruno and Judith

Janet, Judith, Margaret and Joseph

Wedding group photo

Judith and Bruno

Janet, Neil and Judith

Bruno and Margaret

A Swiss chalet

Children in a Swiss alpine meadow

Wedding guests


Milling around at a wedding

Nosher as a baby, late 1967

Judith and Janet

Nosher, Judith and a baby Sis, late 1968

On holiday in the Malvern Hills, 1969

On the edge of a Malvern hill

Granny looks on as Nosher toddles around