The old fire station in Dun Laoghaire
Jimmy and Catherina host a bash in their secret mews hideaway in Ballsbridge, but first we have a poke around in Dun Laoghaire, and then have a Guinness down the road in Monkstown.
next album: Busking in Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland - 12th August 2019
previous album: The Summer Trip to Ireland, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland - 9th August 2019
The old fire station in Dun Laoghaire
A big fluffy cat rolls around
The Dun Laoghaire library
Down at the harbour in Dun Laoghaire
Isobel gets an ice cream
The boatyard at Dun Laoghaire
The Dun Laoghaire lifeboat
A load of language students cram on to the DART
Big tags near Dun Laoghaire DART station
Another derelict building
The back of the fire station
A faded door
Isobel's old haunt has trees groing out of it now
We head off for the bus, as Harry writes something
Walking round the playing fields
Waiting for the bus
Harry's on the wall
There's a cool crow on a speed-limit sign
Da Wheeze checks her phone
Walking down the road in Ballsbridge
There's a toast down at Jimmy and Catherina's
Catherina points
Isobel talks to Haryanna
Jimmy and Jamie
Louise has a ciggie
Analua and Fred work out some sort of recital
Nicholas has a box on his head
More chatting
Noddy comes out with a beer in hand
Noddy and Philly
Noddy: man of hair
Wine in the garden
Fred plays the flute
Catherina brings some puddings out
Harry and Faith conspire in the flower beds
Harry climbs stuff
Rachel - Baby Ra-ra - looks up
In the walled garden
The children vaguely assemble for a photo
Harry's not necessarily into the photo
A bit of cat herding occurs
A big group photo
Another family group
Davida and Rachel
Brothers and sisters
The children do their own thing
Kids on a couch
A very widely-spaced brick wall
Nicholas roams around with a new book
We head off back to the bus stop
Louise and Harry
Hanging around by the bus stop
Waiting for another bus
The Frascati Centre's extension is almost complete
Piling off the bus at Monkstown
Cross-cultural take-away naming at Paddy Field
Monkstown graffiti
More graffiti in some Monkstown wasteland
A fox crosses the street
There's a fox in the car park
Parked cars outside Monkstown snooker club
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
The old fire station in Dun Laoghaire
A big fluffy cat rolls around
The Dun Laoghaire library
Down at the harbour in Dun Laoghaire
Isobel gets an ice cream
The boatyard at Dun Laoghaire
The Dun Laoghaire lifeboat
A load of language students cram on to the DART
Big tags near Dun Laoghaire DART station
Another derelict building
The back of the fire station
A faded door
Isobel's old haunt has trees groing out of it now
We head off for the bus, as Harry writes something
Walking round the playing fields
Waiting for the bus
Harry's on the wall
There's a cool crow on a speed-limit sign
Da Wheeze checks her phone
Walking down the road in Ballsbridge
There's a toast down at Jimmy and Catherina's
Catherina points
Isobel talks to Haryanna
Jimmy and Jamie
Louise has a ciggie
Analua and Fred work out some sort of recital
Nicholas has a box on his head
More chatting
Noddy comes out with a beer in hand
Noddy and Philly
Noddy: man of hair
Wine in the garden
Fred plays the flute
Catherina brings some puddings out
Harry and Faith conspire in the flower beds
Harry climbs stuff
Rachel - Baby Ra-ra - looks up
In the walled garden
The children vaguely assemble for a photo
Harry's not necessarily into the photo
A bit of cat herding occurs
A big group photo
Another family group
Davida and Rachel
Brothers and sisters
The children do their own thing
Kids on a couch
A very widely-spaced brick wall
Nicholas roams around with a new book
We head off back to the bus stop
Louise and Harry
Hanging around by the bus stop
Waiting for another bus
The Frascati Centre's extension is almost complete
Piling off the bus at Monkstown
Cross-cultural take-away naming at Paddy Field
Monkstown graffiti
More graffiti in some Monkstown wasteland
A fox crosses the street
There's a fox in the car park
Parked cars outside Monkstown snooker club