The Opening of Star Wing Brewery's Tap Room, Redgrave, Suffolk - 4th May 2019

It's the grand opening of Star Wing Brewery's new Tap Room, built into some converted outbuildings at the farm just outside Redgrave in Suffolk. There's a big turnout, and live music courtesy of Mick the Baker.

next album: A Postcard From Caister on Sea, Norfolk - 6th May 2019
previous album: A St. George's Day Parade, Dickleburgh, Norfolk - 28th April 2019

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The new Star Wing Brewery tap room

The new Star Wing Brewery tap room

At the bar

Isobel talks to Gaz and Sandie

The boy Phil, Suey, Isobel and Marc

Crowded scenes in the tap room

Phil, Suey and Isobel

A band does its thing

The marquee attached to the tap room

More crowds

David - former BBs fan - though a window frame

Suey's at the bar

The Boy Phil and Marc

Suey gets a selfie with the bloke from Classic FM

Beer pumps on the bar

Harry plays with something

Phil and Marc are most amused by their ice creams

Phil at the bar, with ice cream

Phil does some child-tormenting with Harry

Mick the Baker

Some blues/rock action

Mick the Baker band in the marquee

Outside, there's a taxi melée

Shaking hands

Isobel drives us home in The Van