The Retro Computer Festival, Centre For Computing History, Cambridge - 15th September 2018

Visiting the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge has been on the list for a while, but an email asking about references to the old Newbury/NewBear company out of the early 1980s from one of the curators leads to an invite to go along to their Retro Computer Day. Fred comes along too, to try out some of the old hardware and vintage computer games. After the nerd-fest, we meet back up with Isobel and Harry in the centre of Cambridge, before an almost-traditional visit to Pizza Express on Jesus Lane for tea.

next album: An Optimistic Camping Weekend, Waxham Sands, Norfolk - 22nd September 2018
previous album: A Postcard from Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire - 9th September 2018

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Fred plays Pac Man on a VIC-20

Fred plays Pac Man on a VIC-20

Fred looks up close on a mega-scale CPU

Fred tries out an epic reconstruction of a CPU

Fred plays golf on an Acorn Archimedes

Fred is naturally drawn to the computerised Lego

A Sinclair PC200 'Professional Series'

ET in a Sinclair C5

Possibly the UK's largest collection of NewBrains

An original Atari Pong - the Grandaddy of all

An Exidy Sourceror

Someone lifts the lid of a Commodore 800

The American Spectrum - the Timex 1500

A room full of vintage hardware


A bit of Acorn history, featuring the ARM1

A signed BBC Micro

Sinclair's MK-14

Fred uses a rare laserdisc of the Domesday Project

In a recreation of a late 1970s office

Fred roams around

Fred in the games room

There's a working Altair 8800

Fred sits on the floor

Fred is fascinated by a punched tape reader

A version of Joseph Weizebaum's legendary Eliza

Fred's on a vintage MSX computer

Back in the main museum room

Fred plays Chuckie Egg on a BBC Micro

An RM 380Z

Fred's back on the golf

There's some sort of interview going on

The train from Ipswich rumbles past

Fred climbs on a sculpture outside Carluccio's

Fred by a sculpture

Isobel and Harry return from a shopping spree

Posters outside the Corn Exchange

There's the usual chaos going on outside King's

Funky entrance to a nightclub

Harry and Isobel in Pizza Express on Jesus Lane

Harry in Pizza Express

On Jesus Lane

The boys on All Saints Passage

All Saints Garden craft market looks very autumnal

The entrance to St. John's College

On Trinity Street

The main entrance to Trinity College

Trinity Lane

Punts on the Cam

There's still some late-season punting to be had

More punts in a line

Clare College

The Cam by Clare College

There's a photo-shoot on Senate House Passage

Metal sculpture outside Great St. Mary's

There's a herd of sponsored walkers

Sponsored walkers on Corn Exchange Street