Under the brutal concrete of the A40 and Westway

Under the brutal concrete of the A40 and Westway

A pair of reindeer mill around

Reindeer under the Westway

A reasonably-convincing Santa hands out presents

A stern-looking statue dude near the canal

A livestock pen surrounded by concrete

The Chapati Man van in the Sheldon Square pit

Another food van smokes out the Sheldon Square pit

There's a small forest of ice-trees

Ice looks like silver or mercury

More icy trees

Curious patterns in ice

More ice structures

An ice reindeer

An ice sculpture

Patterns of ice feathers on the roof of the car

Fred looks at the Boiler House sign in Diss

Cobbs Yard in Diss, in the low sun

The boys run off to Norfolk Yard

The boys stop near Amandines

Outside Frederick's Fine Foods in Diss

Fred pokes a Christmas tree

Uncle Mick does his Christmas collection thing

Fred and Harry in Mere Moments café

Fred has a gasp in Mere Moments

The former Two Brewers pub - closed again