Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

It's Christmas day and there are thousands in the house, but the first order of business is a trip up to the Swan for the traditional lunchtime beer.

next album: Boxing Day in Southwold, Suffolk - 26th December 2016
previous album: Norwich Station and the Light Tunnel, Norwich, Norfolk - 21st December 2016

Christmassy horses trot up Church Street in Eye, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Christmassy horses trot up Church Street in Eye

A National Express coach at Ipswich station, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

A National Express coach at Ipswich station

Fred meets Lua off the bus at Ipswich, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred meets Lua off the bus at Ipswich

Fred chats to Haryanna, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred chats to Haryanna

Luggage is unloaded off the coach, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Luggage is unloaded off the coach

Evelyn with a wheelie case, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Evelyn with a wheelie case

The gang are all off the coach, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

The gang are all off the coach

Andrew's in the kitchen, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Andrew's in the kitchen

The gang wander up the Oaksmere's drive, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

The gang wander up the Oaksmere's drive

Fred and Harry with some Transformers, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred and Harry with some Transformers

Harry walks with Da Wheeze, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Harry walks with Da Wheeze

Kids' Corner in the Swan, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Kids' Corner in the Swan

Santa - aka Wavy - comes in, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Santa - aka Wavy - comes in

Paul pulls a beer, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Paul pulls a beer

It's chaotic in the Swan, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

It's chaotic in the Swan

Marc and Alan at the bar, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Marc and Alan at the bar

Oak shows off something, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Oak shows off something

Phil, Mikey, Andy and Jimmy, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Phil, Mikey, Andy and Jimmy

Wavy with a Santa beard, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Wavy with a Santa beard

A busy lunchtime pub, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

A busy lunchtime pub

Haryanna, Jamie, Martina and Da Wheeze chat, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Haryanna, Jamie, Martina and Da Wheeze chat

The Irish massive in the Swan, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

The Irish massive in the Swan

Evelyn tries to control the children, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Evelyn tries to control the children

Isobel has a comedy hat on, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Isobel has a comedy hat on

Fred shows off his transformer, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred shows off his transformer

Nicolas reaches for a bottle of water, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Nicolas reaches for a bottle of water

Harry comes out of the Swan, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Harry comes out of the Swan

Fred, Haryanna and Lua outside the pub, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred, Haryanna and Lua outside the pub

The gang cross the A140, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

The gang cross the A140

We walk back up the Oaksmere's drive, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

We walk back up the Oaksmere's drive

The kids on Oaksmere's drive, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

The kids on Oaksmere's drive

Evelyn walks backwards, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Evelyn walks backwards

Harry holds court in the back room, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Harry holds court in the back room

Dinner in the dining room, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Dinner in the dining room

Time for dinner, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Time for dinner

Harry and Analua read 'Where's Wally?', Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Harry and Analua read 'Where's Wally?'

Evelyn reads to Nico, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Evelyn reads to Nico

Analua puts out some carrots for the Reindeer, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Analua puts out some carrots for the Reindeer

Fred and Nicholas, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred and Nicholas

Some early Christmas-present opening occurs, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Some early Christmas-present opening occurs

Fred checks the tree, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred checks the tree

Fred waves a present around, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred waves a present around

More present stuff occurs, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

More present stuff occurs

Fred and Harry open presents, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred and Harry open presents

Present frenzy, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Present frenzy

There's a lot of Spiderman stuff going on, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

There's a lot of Spiderman stuff going on

Louise and Haryanna, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Louise and Haryanna

Fred's got a plane, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Fred's got a plane

There's smoke from something burning off the oven, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

There's smoke from something burning off the oven

Christmas dinner goes off, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Christmas dinner goes off

Harry and Fred sort-of at the chilren's table, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Harry and Fred sort-of at the chilren's table

Grandad pulls a cracker, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

Grandad pulls a cracker

There's a bit of Skype-to-Brazil action, Christmas and All That, Brome, Suffolk - 25th December 2016

There's a bit of Skype-to-Brazil action

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Christmassy horses trot up Church Street in Eye

Christmassy horses trot up Church Street in Eye

A National Express coach at Ipswich station

Fred meets Lua off the bus at Ipswich

Fred chats to Haryanna

Luggage is unloaded off the coach

Evelyn with a wheelie case

The gang are all off the coach

Andrew's in the kitchen

The gang wander up the Oaksmere's drive

Fred and Harry with some Transformers

Harry walks with Da Wheeze

Kids' Corner in the Swan

Santa - aka Wavy - comes in

Paul pulls a beer

It's chaotic in the Swan

Marc and Alan at the bar

Oak shows off something

Phil, Mikey, Andy and Jimmy

Wavy with a Santa beard

A busy lunchtime pub

Haryanna, Jamie, Martina and Da Wheeze chat

The Irish massive in the Swan

Evelyn tries to control the children

Isobel has a comedy hat on

Fred shows off his transformer

Nicolas reaches for a bottle of water

Harry comes out of the Swan

Fred, Haryanna and Lua outside the pub

The gang cross the A140

We walk back up the Oaksmere's drive

The kids on Oaksmere's drive

Evelyn walks backwards

Harry holds court in the back room

Dinner in the dining room

Time for dinner

Harry and Analua read 'Where's Wally?'

Evelyn reads to Nico

Analua puts out some carrots for the Reindeer

Fred and Nicholas

Some early Christmas-present opening occurs

Fred checks the tree

Fred waves a present around

More present stuff occurs

Fred and Harry open presents

Present frenzy

There's a lot of Spiderman stuff going on

Louise and Haryanna

Fred's got a plane

There's smoke from something burning off the oven

Christmas dinner goes off

Harry and Fred sort-of at the chilren's table

Grandad pulls a cracker

There's a bit of Skype-to-Brazil action