A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

We're up in Norwich to do a spot of shopping, and there's much randomness occuring. Firstly, Fred's scared by a Charlie Chaplin-a-like, then there's an anti-Bedroom-Tax protest on the Haymarket, featuring the ever-present and still-stuck-in-the-eighties Socialist Worker Party (judging by the "Rejoice" posters celebrating the recent death of Margaret Thatcher). Then, it's lunchtime at Carluccio's, and after that there's one of those juggling street-shows on Gentleman's Walk, then Darth Vader, Chewbacca and a bunch of Storm Troopers are observed strolling up towards the Back-of-the-Inns. A few days later, The BBs are playing a wedding reception at Laxfield Village Hall.

next album: Margaret Thatcher's Funeral, St. Paul's, London - 17th April 2013
previous album: A Walk at Grandad's, Bramford Dereliction and BSCC at Yaxley, Eye, Suffolk - 2nd April 2013

Crap parking in St. Andrew's car park, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Crap parking in St. Andrew's car park

Fred roams around Orient Express market stall, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Fred roams around Orient Express market stall

Norwich market, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Norwich market

The Lloyds Bank Building on Gentleman's Walk, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The Lloyds Bank Building on Gentleman's Walk

Fred looks at flowers, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Fred looks at flowers

The Haymarket in Norwich, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The Haymarket in Norwich

A Charlie Chaplin-alike scares Fred, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A Charlie Chaplin-alike scares Fred

There's a demo going on on the Haymarket, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

There's a demo going on on the Haymarket

The dog looks somewhat fed up of protesting, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The dog looks somewhat fed up of protesting

A Bedroom Tax demo on the Haymarket, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A Bedroom Tax demo on the Haymarket

A mini 'bedroom tax' protest, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A mini 'bedroom tax' protest

Passing life reflected in the window of Top Shop, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Passing life reflected in the window of Top Shop

A pile of gravestones, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A pile of gravestones

Harry's got pasta in Carluccio's, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry's got pasta in Carluccio's

Harry looks pleased with himself in Carluccio's, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry looks pleased with himself in Carluccio's

Isobel and Fred trade ice-cream sauce, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Isobel and Fred trade ice-cream sauce

Harry ponders fruit, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry ponders fruit

The jugglers set up their pitch, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The jugglers set up their pitch

The jugglers start off fairly simply, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The jugglers start off fairly simply

Four-at-a-time juggling in the wind, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Four-at-a-time juggling in the wind

A trick is set up, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A trick is set up

The grand finale is a long jump over a boy, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The grand finale is a long jump over a boy

A jumper in mid air, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A jumper in mid air

A police car does a drive by, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A police car does a drive by

Cary's Norwich Market flower stall, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Cary's Norwich Market flower stall

Stormtroopers and Darth Vader stroll around, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Stormtroopers and Darth Vader stroll around

Chewbacca and a Storm Trooper pause to chat, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Chewbacca and a Storm Trooper pause to chat

The Empire Walks Past, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The Empire Walks Past

Swan Lane, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Swan Lane

Back-street decay and graffiti, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Back-street decay and graffiti

Fred and a wall, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Fred and a wall

A messy telecoms cabinet, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

A messy telecoms cabinet

Isobel pushes Harry up Bedford Street, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Isobel pushes Harry up Bedford Street

At Laxfield Village Hall, the BBs are at a wedding, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

At Laxfield Village Hall, the BBs are at a wedding

Jo, Max and Rob hang about, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Jo, Max and Rob hang about

The drumkit of legendary Laxfield band 'The Pukes', A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

The drumkit of legendary Laxfield band 'The Pukes'

Henry sets up his kit, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Henry sets up his kit

Guests are already mingling around, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Guests are already mingling around

Harry is scooped up by Isobel, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry is scooped up by Isobel

Fred gets run over by the wooden bike, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Fred gets run over by the wooden bike

Harry and Fred, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry and Fred

Harry's enjoying the garden house, A Very Random Norwich Day, and The BBs at Laxfield, Norfolk and Suffolk - 13th April 2013

Harry's enjoying the garden house

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Crap parking in St. Andrew's car park

Crap parking in St. Andrew's car park

Fred roams around Orient Express market stall

Norwich market

The Lloyds Bank Building on Gentleman's Walk

Fred looks at flowers

The Haymarket in Norwich

A Charlie Chaplin-alike scares Fred

There's a demo going on on the Haymarket

The dog looks somewhat fed up of protesting

A Bedroom Tax demo on the Haymarket

A mini 'bedroom tax' protest

Passing life reflected in the window of Top Shop

A pile of gravestones

Harry's got pasta in Carluccio's

Harry looks pleased with himself in Carluccio's

Isobel and Fred trade ice-cream sauce

Harry ponders fruit

The jugglers set up their pitch

The jugglers start off fairly simply

Four-at-a-time juggling in the wind

A trick is set up

The grand finale is a long jump over a boy

A jumper in mid air

A police car does a drive by

Cary's Norwich Market flower stall

Stormtroopers and Darth Vader stroll around

Chewbacca and a Storm Trooper pause to chat

The Empire Walks Past

Swan Lane

Back-street decay and graffiti

Fred and a wall

A messy telecoms cabinet

Isobel pushes Harry up Bedford Street

At Laxfield Village Hall, the BBs are at a wedding

Jo, Max and Rob hang about

The drumkit of legendary Laxfield band 'The Pukes'

Henry sets up his kit

Guests are already mingling around

Harry is scooped up by Isobel

Fred gets run over by the wooden bike

Harry and Fred

Harry's enjoying the garden house