Fred on his first day of school nursery

Fred on his first day of school nursery

The harvest is occuring in the side field

The combine on the other side of the field

Harvested wheat is off-loaded

DH - Mr. Shades - sits on his bike

Milling around in front of Thrandeston Church

Jessica and Fred roam around in St. Margaret of Antioch church

We wait under a tree in Palgrave

Splashes of light through stained glass windows

Modern stained glass

The nave of St. Peter's, Palgrave

Hannah is on biscuit duty outside All-Saints, Stuston

In the churchyard at All Saints, Stuston

Fred wanders off

Inside Stuston Church and its Moorish arch

DH scopes out the road in Stuston

Cycling up the Old Bury Road

The end of the road at the old crossroads

A derelict part of the Old Bury Road

Oakley's Church of St. Nicholas

Inside St. Nicholas, Oakley

Re-set Medieval stained glass in the church porch

Alan holds on to Jessica's doll

The cyclists return to The Swan