Grandad roams around on Angel Hill

Grandad roams around on Angel Hill

Isobel, Fred and Grandad

The Abbey, Athanaeum Theatre, and Angel Hill

Grandad walks past Prezzo

Grandad on Abbeygate

Fred picks out a pencil

Grandad in Pizza Express

Fred waves a crayon around

Fred looks around

Pizzas arrive

Fred has a drink

A collection of coloured pencils

The wet flagstones of Bury

Car lights in a wet pavement

The closed down Shapla tandoori restaurant

The old Abbey bridge

Random buildings somewhere

Fred gets into Daddy Car

Isobel and Fred walk into Diss

We queue up for a Sausage at Andy's van

Gulls on the railings by the Mere

A child in a buggy is mobbed by ducks

Isobel chats to Sarah

There's a frenzy of gull activity on the Mere

Felix Simpson plays on Mere Street

Wet paviers in Norfolk Yard

Fred plays with a toy in Mere Moments café

Fred has a milkshake