After the service, Isobel and Fred mill about
We head out from Cambridge and take a trip with the three-day-old Fred over to Suffolk to see the Christening of Jessica in the church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Thrandeston. Afterwards, it's over to the Swan Inn in Brome for a spot of baby-head-wetting and a chance to show off Fred a bit more.
next album: Fred's Further Adventures, Ward Road, Cambridge - 10th October 2008
previous album: Sprogday: Nosher and Isobel Become Parents, The Rosie, Cambridge - 25th September 2008
After the service, Isobel and Fred mill about
Jean and Bernie come over to have a look
Jessica and Claire at the Font
Photos are taken
Jimmy and Mikey-P scope out Noshsprog
Claire and Jessica come over for a look-see
Apple and Pippa say hi
A sprog-fest at the church door
Contra jour: people mill around outside the church
At the church gate
Isobel, post bump
The Boy Phil in a suit
Bill props up the gate
Tyler nicks his dad's police hat and legs it
On the lane outside the church
Fred is loaded up into the buggy
We take Fred for his first walk
Isobel on Rectory Road
Isobel pushes the baby up The Cornwallis' drive
Sylvia meets Fred for the first time
Claire has a go
Jill gets a go, as Pippa runs away
Sue gets on well with Fred
Suey has a go
Jean and Bernie lean over for a closer look
In the Swan
Suffolk County Council gets 0/10 for spelling
A baby's-eye view of the journey home
Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer
After the service, Isobel and Fred mill about
Jean and Bernie come over to have a look
Jessica and Claire at the Font
Photos are taken
Jimmy and Mikey-P scope out Noshsprog
Claire and Jessica come over for a look-see
Apple and Pippa say hi
A sprog-fest at the church door
Contra jour: people mill around outside the church
At the church gate
Isobel, post bump
The Boy Phil in a suit
Bill props up the gate
Tyler nicks his dad's police hat and legs it
On the lane outside the church
Fred is loaded up into the buggy
We take Fred for his first walk
Isobel on Rectory Road
Isobel pushes the baby up The Cornwallis' drive
Sylvia meets Fred for the first time
Claire has a go
Jill gets a go, as Pippa runs away
Sue gets on well with Fred
Suey has a go
Jean and Bernie lean over for a closer look
In the Swan
Suffolk County Council gets 0/10 for spelling
A baby's-eye view of the journey home