Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani and Anne, from Taptu and Qualcomm respectively, get married almost at the last minute. The gig is at the Register Office at Cambridge County Hall, where Nosher has ligged the job of semi-official photographer, and is followed by drinks around Hani and Anne's flat on Riverside, by the River Cam.

next album: Paul and Jenny's Wedding, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland - 3rd May 2008
previous album: Hani's Stag Beers and a Punting Trip on the Cam, Cambridge - 1st May 2008

Nosher's on photo duty, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Nosher's on photo duty

Hanging around outside the Register Office, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hanging around outside the Register Office

Isobel and Anne, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Isobel and Anne

Isobel chats to Anne and Hani, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Isobel chats to Anne and Hani

Isobel chats to Anne's sister, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Isobel chats to Anne's sister

Hani's family group, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani's family group

Hani gets a hug from sis, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani gets a hug from sis

Anne looks over, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne looks over

The Registrar gets ready, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The Registrar gets ready

Hani and Anne enter the room, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani and Anne enter the room

Hani and Anne, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani and Anne

The ring thing is done, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The ring thing is done

Signing the register, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Signing the register

Hani sneaks in a kiss, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani sneaks in a kiss

Hani's sister comes over, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani's sister comes over

The married couple leave the room, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The married couple leave the room

Confetti is thrown around, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Confetti is thrown around

More confetti, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

More confetti

The remains of the confetti is tipped on Hani, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The remains of the confetti is tipped on Hani

Nosher's old car has 'just married' on it, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Nosher's old car has 'just married' on it

A 'just married' sheet, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A 'just married' sheet

Anne and Hani cut the heart shape out, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne and Hani cut the heart shape out

Anne and Hani step through a heart-shaped hole, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne and Hani step through a heart-shaped hole

A view through the hole, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A view through the hole

Nosher's old car is all canned up, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Nosher's old car is all canned up

Roaming around in front of County Hall, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Roaming around in front of County Hall

A photo under a tree, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A photo under a tree

Family snapshot, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Family snapshot

Another wedding photo, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Another wedding photo

Hani and Anne on the lawn, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani and Anne on the lawn

Anne and Hani inspect the cans, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne and Hani inspect the cans

The couple are waved off, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The couple are waved off

The car has flowers stuck to it, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The car has flowers stuck to it

The cans are dragged off up the road, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The cans are dragged off up the road

The mothers chat in the flat, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The mothers chat in the flat

Louise takes a photo, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Louise takes a photo

Ben and the Qualcomm massive talk about stuff, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Ben and the Qualcomm massive talk about stuff

More champagne is passed around, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

More champagne is passed around

In the kitchen, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

In the kitchen

Music is queued up on Windows Media Centre, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Music is queued up on Windows Media Centre

A selection of cakes, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A selection of cakes

Anne and her mother sort out some baklava, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne and her mother sort out some baklava

Hani does his trademark pose, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani does his trademark pose

The bridge over the Cam outside the flat, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The bridge over the Cam outside the flat

Presents are opened, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Presents are opened

Guests in the flat, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Guests in the flat

Hani and Anne play 'Who really does what?', Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani and Anne play 'Who really does what?'

Anne does her trademark 'Timotei' hair thing, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne does her trademark 'Timotei' hair thing

A wedding book is signed, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A wedding book is signed

The cutting of the cake, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The cutting of the cake

Cake is dished up, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Cake is dished up

Hani's dad gets some cake, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani's dad gets some cake

Anne and Hani share a bite of cake, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Anne and Hani share a bite of cake

The new 'Sponsored by Tesco' cycle bridge, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

The new 'Sponsored by Tesco' cycle bridge

Sparklers on the street, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Sparklers on the street

Sparklers are waved about, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Sparklers are waved about

A candle is lit with a sparkler, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

A candle is lit with a sparkler

Sparklers and candles in the night, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Sparklers and candles in the night

Hani's dad watches the balloon disappear, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani's dad watches the balloon disappear

Back into the flat, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Back into the flat

Hani legs it up the stairs to his flat, Hani and Anne's Wedding, County Hall, Cambridge - 2nd May 2008

Hani legs it up the stairs to his flat

Hint: you can use the left and right cursor keys to navigate between albums, and between photos when in the photo viewer

Nosher's on photo duty

Nosher's on photo duty

Hanging around outside the Register Office

Isobel and Anne

Isobel chats to Anne and Hani

Isobel chats to Anne's sister

Hani's family group

Hani gets a hug from sis

Anne looks over

The Registrar gets ready

Hani and Anne enter the room

Hani and Anne

The ring thing is done

Signing the register

Hani sneaks in a kiss

Hani's sister comes over

The married couple leave the room

Confetti is thrown around

More confetti

The remains of the confetti is tipped on Hani

Nosher's old car has 'just married' on it

A 'just married' sheet

Anne and Hani cut the heart shape out

Anne and Hani step through a heart-shaped hole

A view through the hole

Nosher's old car is all canned up

Roaming around in front of County Hall

A photo under a tree

Family snapshot

Another wedding photo

Hani and Anne on the lawn

Anne and Hani inspect the cans

The couple are waved off

The car has flowers stuck to it

The cans are dragged off up the road

The mothers chat in the flat

Louise takes a photo

Ben and the Qualcomm massive talk about stuff

More champagne is passed around

In the kitchen

Music is queued up on Windows Media Centre

A selection of cakes

Anne and her mother sort out some baklava

Hani does his trademark pose

The bridge over the Cam outside the flat

Presents are opened

Guests in the flat

Hani and Anne play 'Who really does what?'

Anne does her trademark 'Timotei' hair thing

A wedding book is signed

The cutting of the cake

Cake is dished up

Hani's dad gets some cake

Anne and Hani share a bite of cake

The new 'Sponsored by Tesco' cycle bridge

Sparklers on the street

Sparklers are waved about

A candle is lit with a sparkler

Sparklers and candles in the night

Hani's dad watches the balloon disappear

Back into the flat

Hani legs it up the stairs to his flat